Western Cape WCED eRecruitment System : e-recruitment.westerncape.gov.za

Organisation : Western Cape Government
Service Name : WCED eRecruitment System
Applicable For : Residents of South Africa
Website : https://e-recruitment.westerncape.gov.za/

What is WCED eRecruitment System?

The Western Cape Government has enabled the WCED eRecruitment System Job application portal. The Online Portal is created for prospective job applicants of the organization to create an account or log in to perform certain application actions at ease e.g. online job application and status and so much more.

Here is an overview of the procedure to be followed:
1. Register as a user
2. Create a profile (CV)
3. View vacancies & select the vacancy you wish to apply for.
(a) Complete “Why I apply for this post” (cover letter)
(b) Apply for this post
4. Review my CV
5. View applications you have applied for by clicking “View my applications”.

Information you need to have ready that will assist you with your online application:
** Detailed CV
** ID number
** Qualifications
** SACE number (actual or provisional)
** Referees (minimum 3)
** SARS Tax Number

How To Apply For Jobs At WCED eRecruitment System?

Follow the below steps to apply for jobs at WCED eRecruitment System

1. Register as a user:
1.1 Access the system via Google Chrome
1.2 Enter your email address and a password with no less than 8 characters. Click on the “Click here to Register” tab.
1.3 All first time users must register to be able to use the system. To register, click the “Register” button. A registration form will be populated.

Capture or select the following:
** Name & Surname
** Email address
** Password
** Confirm password

1.3 Follow the steps:
1. Click the “register” button and an OTP code will be sent to your registered email address (gmail, webmail, yahoo, etc.)
2. Retrieve OTP code from your email (if not received, check your junk mailbox) and go back to e-Recruit Login page.
3. Enter email address and password, click on “Login”.
4. The system will prompt you for the OTP code.
5. Enter OTP code and click on “submit”.

1.4 You can now proceed with completing your profile.
1.5 Users also have the option to change their email address and/or password on their existing profile by clicking the “Edit Profile” button on the blue tab at the top right-hand corner of the screen.

An email address can be changed by contacting Directorate: Recruitment & Selection, on 021 4672510 or email: Recruitment.Institution@westerncape.gov.za

2. Create a profile:
(a) Capture personal details; if you are not a South African citizen, the following details are required:
** Nationality
** South African ID number – issued by Dept. of Home Affairs
** Indicate whether you are a permanent SA resident.

N.B. Only foreign nationals who are naturalized can apply for permanent posts.

(b) Capture Contact details, this includes physical & postal address.
(c) Capture Qualifications. NB! You can load multiple qualifications by clicking “Add Qualification” button.
(d) Capture REQV. NB! A qualifications directory is available to guide users with the REQV level applicable to the qualification obtained.
(e) Indicate Language Proficiency by selecting the language and ability to speak, read or write it. NB! You can load multiple languages by clicking “Add Language” button.
(f) Capture Employment History per Position Held.

NB! You can load multiple employment histories by clicking the “Add Employment History” button.

You can complete/edit (update existing) fields:
1. Sector
2. Position
3. Province
4. School Name
5. Start Date
6. End Date
7. Phase
8. Major Subject
9. Reason for leaving
10. Skills
11. Responsibilities
12. Extra-curricular Activities
13. Achievements
14. Community Involvement
15. Awards

Enter as much information about yourself under these headings as this is a core area of your CV, where you highlight your suitability for appointment. Refrain from using bullets and/or spaces and lines between sentences. It may complicate saving the data. The content is more important than the layout.

(g) Capture Training & Development by selecting/capturing training and expiry date.

NB! You can add more by clicking “Add Training” button.

(h) Capture computer literacy by indicating how often you use a computer and selecting the computer skill. NB! You can load multiple computer skills by clicking “Add Computer Literacy” button.

(j) Capture minimum 3 Referees. NB! You can load multiple referees by clicking “Add Referee” button.

(k) Do not upload any attachments to your profile. When short listed for an interview, submit certified copies of all documents (Qualification/SACE/ID/SARS etc.) to the interview panel (refer to the preface/foreword of the vacancy list)

(l)Candidate must declare if the information provided is completed correctly to the best of his knowledge by ticking the tickbox. NB! Ticking the box will be taken as being as binding as your signature. Click “Save” button and your CV will saved on the database.

Read the Foreword/Preface by clicking on the link in the “Declaration” field. This document clearly defines the necessary requirements when applying for a post and going for an interview. This link also has the “How to Apply” manual attached.

3. View vacancies & select the vacancy you wish to apply for:
(a)Click on “Vacancies” button on the menu and all the vacancies will be displayed.
(b)Vacancies can be searched e.g. by Job title, School Name, Post description or Suburb.
(c) Selected the post you wish to apply for.
(d) Click on “Apply”
(e) Verify Post number and click “OK”
(f) View Advert
(g) Complete “Why are you applying for this post” (Cover Letter)
(h) Read Pop-up
(i) Click OK and submit
(j) On-screen notification will appear
(k) A confirmation email will be sent to registered email address (N.B. if not received, check Junk mailbox)

4. Review my CV:
You can review your CV in PDF by clicking “New CV Format” tab located on the bottom left side of your home page. You can also review or update any part of your CV by clicking the relevant tab below the “My CV” tab. The system will display the selected part of your CV. You can make changes and click “Update” button.

NB: The “Review CV” (old format) will be archived for posts applied to prior to April 2019 (not to be used for applications with effect from 1 April 2019 – new applications)

5. View applications you have applied for:
You can view the posts you applied for by clicking “View my applications” tab located on the bottom left corner of home page. The system will display the list of all post you have applied for. You can click on “more” to view details of each post. You have an option to withdraw your application.

Additional Information:
Correspondence regarding all posts will be done within 3 months after the closing date of the advertisement. If you are not contacted within the stated period, accept that your application was unsuccessful.


021 467 2510 / 021 467 2138

Benefits of WCED eRecruitment System

The WCED eRecruitment System is an online platform that allows job seekers to apply for vacancies in the Western Cape Education Department (WCED). Some benefits of using this system include:

Easy and convenient application process:
The eRecruitment System allows job seekers to apply for vacancies online, which is a more convenient and efficient process than traditional paper-based applications.

Access to a wide range of job opportunities:
The WCED eRecruitment System advertises a variety of vacancies, ranging from teaching positions to administrative roles, making it easier for job seekers to find suitable employment opportunities.

Transparency and fairness in the recruitment process:
The eRecruitment System allows for a more transparent and fair recruitment process, as all applications are treated equally, and there is no potential for bias or favoritism.

Categories: Government Jobs

View Comments (3)

  • Ronel Keunecke says:

    I struggle to update my information. It keeps on kicking me out.

  • I'm struggling to register

  • Priscilla Nontombi says:

    If there is any vacancies that meet with my experience let me know please ..i have past my matrick and I have general worker exsperience

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