tigerbrands.com Win With SA’s Favourites : Tiger Brands

Organization : Tiger Brands Limited
Competition Name : Win With SA’s Favourites
Applicable For : Open to all South African residents
Competition Deadline : 24 December 2016
Prize : R2000

Website : https://www.tigerbrands.com/

Win With SA’s Favourites :

To enter this competition participants must :
** a. Buy 3 different products on the 5 Brands on promotion at participating stores to qualify to stand a chance to win.

Related : Cell C Spin and Win Promotion : www.southafricain.com/1783.html

The Brands on promotion are :
** b. Write your name and contact details at the back of your till slip.
** c. Drop your slip into the entry box instore.

Competition Rules :
1. This competition starts on 20 October 2016 and closes on 24 December 2016. No late entries will be accepted.
2. The competition is open to all South African residents who are 18 years and older.

3. No director, employee, agent or consultant of the Tiger Brands Group of Companies, or their spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members, or the supplier of goods and services in connection with this competition may participate in this competition.

4. To enter this competition participants must :
a. Buy 3 different products on the 5 Brands on promotion at participating stores to qualify to stand a chance to win.
b. Write your name and contact details at the back of your till slip.
c. Drop your slip into the entry box instore.

5. Multiple entries are permitted but the prize will be limited to one per entrant.
6. The promoter is not liable for the failure of any technical element relating to this promotional competition that may result in an entry not being successfully submitted.
7. Entries which are unclear, illegible or contain errors will be declared invalid.

8. The prize is a Webber braai 57cm to the value of R2000.00 per participating store. The promoter reserves the right to substitute any prize with another prize of similar commercial value in the event of circumstances beyond its reasonable control.

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9. Prizes may not be redeemed for cash and are not exchangeable.

10. The winners will be drawn by the store owners at the end of the promotion on the 24th of December 2016. A picture of the winner receiving the prize will be sent to the TBFS regional sales rep by the 14th January and will be notified telephonically within one week of the selection having taken place.

In the event that any of the winners cannot be successfully contacted following all reasonable attempts to do so the promoter reserves the right to draw another winner in substitution. The names of the prize winners will also be published on the TigerBrands website.

11. Any prize not taken up for any reason within one month of notification will be forfeited.

12. The winners may be required to sign a waiver of liability and indemnity before claiming their prizes. All winners will be required to provide their names, ID numbers and contact details and to sign an acknowledgement of receipt of the prize.

13. The winners must collect the prize at the store within two (2) weeks. Any queries in this regard may be directed to the Consumer Services Division, on telephone number 0860 005 342 or at tigercsd AT tigerbrands.com during office hours.

14. Winners may be requested to attend the draw and announcement of winners, to take part in the promoter’s publicity campaigns or to allow their names and likenesses to be used by the promoter for promotional purposes. Winners are, however, entitled to decline such request.

15. Where winners consent to take part in the promoter’s publicity campaigns, they will not be entitled to any remuneration for such participation and all materials arising from such participation will be the sole property of the promoter.

Contact Address :
Tiger Brands Limited
3010 William Nicol Drive,

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