Levi’s R200 off Bottoms Promotion : Strauss South Africa

Organization : Levi Strauss South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Competition Name : Levi’s R200 off Bottoms Promotion
Applicable For : Reside in the Republic of South Africa
Competition Deadline :Monday 31st October 2016.
Prize : R200

Website : https://www.levi.co.za/

Levi’s R200 Bottoms Promotion Terms & Conditions :

1. This promotion is valid from opening hours Thursday 13th October until close of business Monday 31st October 2016.

 Related : Levi Strauss Loop Rewards Social Media Acquisition Campaign Competition : www.southafricain.com/301.html

2. Promotional offer: Buy any Levi’s® Bottom and get R 200 off your purchase. This applies to ladies and men’s Bottoms.
3. The promotion offer is valid on original priced bottoms only.
4. The promotion is only valid at Levi’s® first quality retail stores and not at Levi’s® Outlet stores.
5. The promotional offer is not transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash or used in conjunction with any other promotions.

6. A customer may exchange a pair of jeans for a different size and/or an equal value pair of jeans. If a customer wishes to exchange a pair of jeans for that of a higher value, the customer must pay the difference. No exchanges will be made on items of lesser value than the item originally bought.

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7. Loop members may not use their Loop Points against the purchase of any items on the R200 off promotion.
8. Loop members will earn points when purchasing items on the R 200 off promotion.
9. By participating in this promotion, all participants accept and agree to abide by these rules and terms and conditions.

10. Neither Levi Strauss South Africa (Pty) Ltd and their respective advertising, media and PR agencies, nor their trading partners shall be liable in any way whatsoever for any loss, damage or costs, howsoever arising, suffered by a participant of this promotional offer.

11. The promoter reserves the right to terminate or temporarily suspend this promotion in the event of technical or other difficulties that might compromise its integrity.
12. The promoter and their agents accept no responsibility for difficulties experienced in participation in this promotion.

13. Under no circumstances shall the promoter be liable to anyone who participates in this promotion for any direct or consequential loss howsoever arising which may be suffered, whether as a result of any negligent act or omission or any default on the part of the promoter or otherwise.

14. The laws of the Republic of South Africa govern these Terms and Conditions and participants agree to be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the South African courts.

Contact Address :
Levi Strauss South Africa (Pty) Ltd,
17th Floor, Portside Building,
4 Bree Street,
Cape Town,
South Africa, 8000.

Tags: levis.co.za
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