OLA Magnum Ice Cream Competition 2021 : magnumicecream.com

Organization : Unilever South Africa Proprietary Limited
Competition Name : OLA Magnum Ice Cream Competition 2021
Applicable For : South African Residentsa
Competition Last Date : 30.09.2021
Website : https://www.magnumicecream.com/za/home.html

OLA Magnum Ice Cream Competition

The Promoter is Unilever South Africa Proprietary Limited

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** The Promotional competition is open to all South African Residents who are in possession of a valid identity document, except any employee, director, officer, member, partner, agent, consultant, advertising agencies, advisers, dealers, supplier, affiliates and/or associated companies of the Promoter or any person who controls or is controlled, directly or indirectly, by the Promoter and/or immediate family members of the aforesaid people

** Any participant under the age of 18 years must be fully assisted by his/her legal guardian at all times, who approves of, and consents to the participant taking part in the competition and the participant’s possession/receipt of the prize.

Competition Period

This promotional competition runs from 12 July 2021 to the 30 September 2021 (the closing date). Any entries received after the closing date will not be considered.

How to Participate?

Steps :
Step 1 : To enter, participants will be required to purchase any Magnum ice cream product at any retailer, dial the USSD line *120*3785# and follow the USSD prompts to enter.

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Step 2 : Participants must keep their till slips as proof of purchase. Participants who purchase from a street vendor must take a selfie with the street vendor and keep it as proof of purchase.


Participants stand a chance to win their share of the following prizes
** Sorbert vouchers to the value of R500
** 3 months Netflix subscription voucher
** Magnum Branded Collectors Ice Cream Spoons

Grand Prize :
Coricraft voucher worth R50 000

** Consumers will also go into a draw to win the R50 000 cash prize. The draw for this will be on the 4th of October 2021.

** There will also be draws at the end of each month for entire campaign the dates will be
1. 2nd August 2021
2. 6th September 2021
3. 4th October 2021

Winner Selection

** The winner will be selected by means of a random draw and will be notified telephonically or via social media upon which they will be required to verify their details. The organizers will endeavour to contact the prize winners once every day for 5 consecutive working days after their name is drawn.

** However, if they cannot be reached and do not return the call, the person/s will be disqualified, the prize will be forfeited and another winner will be selected in accordance with the rules.

Terms & Conditions

** Consumers who wins the main prize of the R50 000 cash prize will need to produce their till slip for proof of purchase.
** Consumers who win any of the draw based prizes will also need to produce their till slips or selfie with a street vendor.

** All participants submitting entries must have their details entered in all the required fields correctly.
** Participants will be charged R0.20 for 20 seconds per interaction via USSD.

** The Promoter reserves the right to change the draw date at any time.
** Consumers will need to purchase one of any of the Magnum products, dial the USSD string and enter the last 4 digits of the barcode.

** In the event that the prize/s are/is not available despite the Promoter’s reasonable endeavours to procure the prize, the Promoter reserves the right to substitute prizes of equal value.

** The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Categories: Contest
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