picknpay.co.za Stikeez 2 Snapz Competition : Pick n Pay Retailers

Organization : Pick n Pay Retailers Pty Ltd
Competition Name : Stikeez 2 Snapz Competition
Applicable For : Entrant must live in the Republic of South Africa
Competition Deadline : 16 December 2016.
Prize/Win : R2 500 PnP Gift Voucher

Website : http://www.picknpay.co.za/competition-tcs/pick-n-pay-stickeez-2-competition

Stikeez 2 Snapz Competition :

** Send us your favourite Stikeez 2 Snapz and stand to win a R2 500 Pick n Pay Gift Card!
** Find out more about how to enter this competition.

Related : Pick n Pay Stikeez Hunt Competition : www.southafricain.com/2343.html

** Win a R2 500 PnP Gift Card or exciting weekly prizes by sending us a picture of yourself and your Stikeez!
** The Stikeez are back and the adventure has begun! Send us pictures of you and your Stikeez and you could win a weekly prize of 25 000 Smart Shopper points or the grand prize of a R2 500 PnP Gift card.
** Take selfies with your Stikeez, or send them into the deep sea in their submarine, it’s up to your imagination to make your Stikeez 2 Snapz stick.

How To Enter :
** Share your favourite Stikeez 2 Snap with #PnPStikeez2 on Facebook or Twitter or simply enter below.

Grand prize: R2 500 PnP Gift Voucher
Weekly prizes of 25 000 Smart Shopper points (R250)

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Rules Of Competition :
** This competition opens on 24 October 2016 and closes on 16 December 2016.

The prize :
** Seven (7) weekly winners will receive 25 000 Smart Shopper points to the value of R250 cash.
** One (1) grand prize winner will receive a R2 500 PnP Gift Card.
** Prizes are not transferable and may not be exchanged for cash or other prizes.

In order to qualify as an entrant for this competition :
** the entrant must live in the Republic of South Africa;
** the entrant must provide correct and full personal details, as required; and
** the entrant must be 18 years old or older.
** the entrant cannot be a juristic entity and must be an individual;

** The promoters, Pick n Pay Retailers (Proprietary) Limited, any entity in the Pick n Pay Group or Company, their directors, members, partners, employees, agents or consultants, the suppliers of goods or services in connection with this competition, or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the above named parties and their respective spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members are not permitted to participate in this competition.

To enter the competition, the entrant must :
** Upload and share a picture of yourself and your Stikeez to the Pick n Pay Facebook or Twitter pages with #PnPStikeez2.
** Participants may enter the competition as many times as they wish.

Contact Address :
Pick n Pay Retailers Pty Ltd
101 Rosmead Avenue,
Kenilworth, 7708.

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