Go Gas South Africa : Order Your Gas Online

Organisation : Go Gas
Facility Name : Order Your Gas Online
Country : South Africa
Website : https://go-gas.co.za/

How To Order Go Gas Online?

Say goodbye to the gas hassle! Order go gas online today.

Step-1 : Go to the link https://go-gas.co.za/#order-now
Step-2 : Select your Product
Step-3 : Checkout & Pay
Step-4 : Free Delivery
Step-5 : Re-Order before you run out


Go Gas Returns & Exchanges

Want to return a cylinder and get your deposit back?
If you need to return a cylinder to us (maybe you have 3 and realised you only need 2 or you’re moving house and your needs have changed) all you need to do is click here to start the process. We’ll refund you for the deposit you paid on the cylinder and any unused gas.

Want to return a cylinder for any other reason?
We take service really seriously. If you’re unhappy – we’re unhappy. Please let us know why in the form and we’ll arrange a collection so we can refund you.

FAQ On Go Gas

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Go Gas

Are composite cylinders safe?
Absolutely! Because they’re made from composite fibre (the very same stuff they use in space tech we’ll have you know) they’re both light and durable. Thanks to their construction, they cannot explode and are able to withstand internal pressures much higher than the industry standard.

Will Go Gas cylinders fit into my gas appliances?
Yes. The valve they use is exactly the same one you’re used to. Our 10kg size is 571mm high and 305mm in diameter with an empty weight of 5kg.

How does the cylinder deposit work?
Your once-off payment of R750 for our 10kg gas cylinder is fully refundable. If you no longer require the use of the cylinder, simply request a refund. We’ll arrange collection of the cylinder as soon as we can. No questions asked.

How does delivery work?
We deliver gas for free. To your door. Within 48 hours. If you have an empty cylinder, we’ll collect that too. If your address falls within our coverage map this will always be the case – forever. You can have a look at our coverage map here.

I want to sign up, but you’re not in my area yet. What should I do?
We are expanding as quickly as we can while still ensuring we can provide our customers with the seamless service and impeccable quality that they should expect from Go Gas. If we are not currently in your area, the chances are we will be soon.

Can I really order a new cylinder before my current one runs out?
Yes you can! When you return your cylinder, we’ll credit your account with the value of the remaining gas. We can do this because all of our cylinders have a unique identifier, which means we know who had it last. One thing though –make sure to close that valve tightly so it doesn’t leak!


Email : hello AT go-gas.co.za
Call : 087 135 2

Categories: Facilities
Tags: go-gas.co.za
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