AVBOB Mutual : Pay Premiums Through Pay@ Online

Organisation : AVBOB Mutual Assurance Society
Facility Name : Premiums Through Pay@
Country : South Africa
Website : https://www.avbob.co.za/

How To Pay AVBOB Premiums Through Pay@?

Paying your AVBOB premiums through Pay@ in-store payment services. You can pay your AVBOB premiums at Pick n Pay, Boxer, Shoprite, Checkers, PEP or Usave stores countrywide, through Pay@ in-store payment service. Please provide your ID number and cellphone number below to obtain your policy Pay@ reference number. Present this reference number to the cashier when paying your AVBOB premium in store. Request my AVBOB Policy Pay@ reference number.

Related / Similar Facility : AVBOB Mutual Policy Online

Step-1 : Go to the link https://www.avbob.co.za/General/PayAt?DesktopView=1
Step-2 : Enter your Cellphone Number
Step-3 : Enter your ID Number and
Step-4 : Click On Send Button

FAQ On AVBOB Payment

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On AVBOB Payment

Why is it taking so long for you to pay me?
AVBOB is a licensed FSP and as a result, we are subject to a long list of statutes and regulations which are overseen by the FSB. Insurance fraud is rife in the industry. We are held responsible for the systems and processes to combat such crimes and have therefore employed the services of an external company called CENSEO.

They assist us in scrutinising and investigating claims to ensure that our clients do not suffer any prejudice. This doesn’t mean that we doubt the validity of your claim but we have to ensure that we manage and minimise the risks associated with fraudulent claims. Once this process is completed and no irregularities are found the claim will be admitted.

How will I be kept updated on my claim?
As soon as your claim is submitted you will receive an SMS to make you aware that your claim is at AVBOB and being processed. A second SMS will be sent to you to inform you that the claim has been selected for assessment by CENSEO. It is essential to answer all private number calls after you have submitted your claim, as a CENSEO consultant will be in touch with you to verify your claim details. This call is very important, by answering it and all questions from the consultant you are able to speed up your claim process.

Will AVBOB confirm to the private funeral parlour that my claim will be paid?
Once your claim has been cleared by CENSEO, we will process the claim immediately and you will be informed thereof.

When you sold the policy to me you promised the money will be paid within forty-eight (48) hours?
Yes that is true and once the relevant documentation has been verified as authentic and legitimate, your claim will be processed within forty-eight (48) hours. We do always inform our clients that terms and conditions apply and the validation of a claim do qualify as applicable T&C’s.

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I may just mention to you that we can also conduct the funeral for you and if you choose for us to do the funeral, it will speed the process up. It is however entirely your choice and you are under no obligation to make use of our services.

Why are claims being validated/audited?
Insurance companies all over South Africa are experiencing a huge increase in fraud. A large percentage of such cases are related to stolen Identity Documents. We have an obligation to protect our clients and the organisation against such crimes and therefore we have to validate some claims.

We select a percentage of all claims randomly for assessment and depending on circumstances; it may take up to twenty one (21) days to conclude. On average, it only takes three (3) days to complete and then your claim will receive priority for processing and payment at our Claims Department.

Does this mean my claim will not be paid?
No, the fact that your claim will be assessed doesn’t mean that your claim will automatically be rejected. Once it has been found that there are no irregularities associated with your claim, it will be honoured by us and payment will be made without further delay.

Who are the claimants on a policy?
If the main assured is still alive, the proceeds are paid to him/her. If he/she has died then the nominated beneficiary receives the claim values, if no beneficiary was nominated or the nominated beneficiary is deceased, then the spouse claims, in the absence of a spouse, the premium payer and in their absence, it will be a person designated by AVBOB.

This could be the parents, children, siblings of the deceased. If the assured on a J19 dies the claimant will be the premium payer. If there are two policies covering the deceased and the funeral is conducted by AVBOB Funeral Service, can I receive my claim value in cash? Yes, provided the total cost of the funeral/tombstone order has been paid in full.

What do I do when a death occurs?
If you choose to use AVBOB Funeral Service, you must contact your local AVBOB representative as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made for the removal of the deceased from the place of death. Since it is required by law that all deaths must be registered,

AVBOB will assist you to do so and will require the following: The Identity Document of the deceased (should the deceased not be a South African Citizen, his/her passport is required). A medical certificate completed and signed by the deceased’s doctor (AVBOB can assist in obtaining this).

What documents we will require to process all claims promptly?
Death Certificate, as well as a copy of the first page of the BI1663 (previous), or pages 1-, 2- and 3 of 3 of the BI1663 (latest) form. Policy document or schedule/certificate. Claimant’s Declaration (available at an AVBOB agency) Medicate Certificate (available at an AVBOB Agency for completion by the deceased’s family doctor) SAPS Declaration when the death is caused by unnatural causes (available at an AVBOB agency for completion by the investigating officer).

AVBOB Contact

Call : 0861 28 26 21

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Tags: avbob.co.za
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