3 Month Google Play Music Promotion : Samsung Electronics South Africa

Organization : Samsung Electronics South Africa (Proprietary) Limited
Competition Name : 3 Month Google Play Music Promotion
Applicable For : Citizens of the Republic of South Africa
Competition Deadline : 14 April 2017

Website : http://www.samsung.com/za/offer/
Terms & Condition : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/3453-google-play-offer.pdf

3 Month Google Play Music Promotion

All participants during the term of this Promotion agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions :
1.1 From the date of activation, the Promotion will afford the participant (three) months subscription (“Promotion Period”) to Google Play Music which entitles subscribers to listen to unlimited music from the song titles available within Google Play (“the Promotion”).

Related : Samsung Electronics Customer Ratings and Reviews : www.southafricain.com/3451.html

1.2 The Promotion must be activated during the Redemption Period.

2. Redemption Period :
2.1 The Promotion can be redeemed at any time from 15 March 2016 to 14 April 2017 (“the Redemption Period”).
2.2 The Redemption Period may be extended or curtailed at the discretion of the Organizer.

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3. Who may enter :
3.1 All participants must :
a. be citizens of the Republic of South Africa and/or a legal resident of the aforesaid country;
b. be currently residing in the Republic of South Africa at the date of the commencement of the Redemption Period; and
c. be a natural person at the date of the commencement of the Redemption Period.

4. How to qualify for the Promotion:
4.1 the participant must, during the Redemption Period :
a. have activated any Samsung manufactured smartphone or tablet (“Device”) prior to March 14, 2017, and :
1. not be a current Google Play Music subscriber; and
2. not have been Google Play Music subscriber in the past 12 months; and

3. not have participated in a Google Play Music trial or similar offer in the past 12 months.
b. set up a Google account; and
c. activate the subscription to Google Play Music through the preloaded Google Play Music App on your Device; and

d. provide a valid form of payment. A valid form of payment is required when you set up the Google Play Music account but you will not be charged for the use of the Google Play Music App during the Promotion Period. At the end of the Promotion Period you will be automatically charged for continued use of the Google Music App unless you cancel your subscription.

5. Can I qualify more than once for the Promotion :
5.1 The Promotion is limited to one entry per participant and one entry per Google account during the Redemption Period. Should there be any dispute in this regard, the Organizer shall be sole adjudicator of the dispute and the Organizer’s decision shall be final.

6. Cancellation of Promotion :
6.1 If you cancel the subscription during the Promotion Period you will not be charged, and you will lose access to the music subscription content that you accessed during the Promotion Period (e.g. your audio history or any playlists you have created) once the Promotion Period ends.

6.2 If you do not cancel the subscription during the Promotion Period you will be charged a monthly subscription fee, currently in South Africa 59.99 ZAR (subject to change at the discretion of the Organizer) a month beginning the day after the end of the Promotion Period, and each month thereafter until you cancel your subscription. To cancel your subscription open the “Settings” menu in the Google Play Music app or on the web, and follow the instructions there.

Categories: Contest
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