westerncape.gov.za Public Operating Licence Applications : Department of Transport and Public Works

Name of the Organization : Western Cape Government- Department of Transport and Public Works
Type of Facility : Public Operating Licence Applications
Head Office : Maitland

Website : https://www.westerncape.gov.za/service/public-operating-licence-applications
Download Forms : http://www.westerncape.gov.za/service/public-operating-licence-applications

Western Cape Public Operating Licence Applications

Description :
** Before you transport passengers for gain, you need to have a public operating licence.

Related : Department of Transport and Public Works Special Motor Vehicle Number Plates : www.southafricain.com/4322.html

Instructions :
** The table below lists the types of application you may be making and clarifies which form should be completed and which checklist should be adhered to.

Note :
** It is highly recommended that you read the checklist for the appropriate application first, as this will guide you through the process.
** Please refer to this table to obtain the appropriate form for your application.
** Please also ensure that you check your supporting documentation against the correct checklist as indicated in the table.

Submission of Applications

** Please note that for Operating Licences for recapitalised vehicles you will need to go into the Public Transport Service Centre as this process has not been automated at this stage.
** Please note every application needs an affidavit completed. Please complete a Form10, the affidavit.

** In order to electronically submit your application, please download and complete the relevant application form and ensure that you have all the relevant supporting documents required for your application.

Price :
Administration fee – R300.

You can then do one of the following :
** Scan in these documents (both the form and supporting documents) and e-mail them to publictransport AT westerncape.gov.za.
** Alternatively once you have completed the form it can be faxed together with the relevant supporting documents to 086 673 9614.

** Once your application has been received by the staff at the Customer Relationship Office (CRO) it will be verified to ensure that the application is complete. You will then be e-mailed confirmation of receipt of your application.

** This letter will also include PTSC banking details and a unique reference number which should be used when you make your application payment either via EFT or through standard banking procedures.

** Please note each application has to be a separate EFT/payment and must include the correct reference number for the application. Please fax or e-mail the proof of payment to the Service Centre on 086 673 9614 or at publictransport AT westerncape.gov.za, who will then confirm that the payment has been received and then provide you with a receipt which will include your application number.

** Once your payment has been verified, you will receive an SMS indicating that your application is being processed.

** Once your receipt has been issued, the customer relationship officers at the Service Centre will begin processing your application.

Related Post

** The processing of an application typically takes up to 60 working days. During this period, you may be requested to submit additional documentation, and/or, be invited to a meeting with board members during the decision-making process.

** Once a decision has been made regarding your application you will receive a letter stating whether the application has been approved or declined along with supporting information.

** You also need to sign an affidavit stating that you have not committed a violent or serious offence or been convicted of an offence involving illegal weapons. There is a R300 administration fee.

** Operating licences are valid for a maximum of five years.
** To qualify for a taxi operating licence, you need to be a member of a fully registered taxi association.

** Taxi associations are registered with the Provincial Taxi Registrar.
** Once you have een issued with an operating licence, you are required to display this licence whenever requested by a traffic officer and must affix a distinguishing mark to your vehicle.

Type of Application

New applications :
Applies to all new applications for a licence, please download, print and complete the form (1A) and follow the instructions below to submit the application.

Transfer of operating licence or permit :
Please note that for the transfer of a licence or permit to another individual we cannot accept electronically submitted applications. Both parties (current holder and person the permit or licence is being transferred to) need to go into the Public Transport Service Centre so that a Customer Relationship Officer can verify approval of the transfer. Note : The application form is available for you to download and complete.

Amendment of an operating licence or permit : additional authority
Applies to the Amendment of an operating licence or permit : additional authority. Please download and read the requirements checklist then download, print and complete the form (1A) and follow the instructions below to submit the application.

Amendment of an operating licence or permit : amendment of route or area
Applies to amendment of an operating licence or permit : amendment of route or area. Please download and read the requirements checklist then download, print and complete the form (1A) and follow the instructions below to submit the application.

Amendment of an operating licence or permit : change of particulars
Applies to amendment of an operating licence or permit : change of particulars. Please download and read the requirements checklist then download, print and complete the form (1A) and follow the instructions below to submit the application.

Amendment of an operating licence or permit : amendment of timetables, tariffs or other conditions
Applies to operating licence or permit : amendment of timetables, tariffs or other conditions. Please download and read the requirements checklist then download, print and complete the form (1A) and follow the instructions below to submit the application.

Vangate Office :
Vangate Shared Service Centre
Corner of Bosduis and Volstruis roads,
Tel : 021 483 0270/0216
Fax : 021 483 0201
E-mail : publictransport AT westerncape.gov.za
Office hours : 7:30 – 16:00

George Office :
Rensburg Hof,
42 Courtney Street,
Tel : 044 802 3700
Fax : 044 874 5711
E-mail : publictransport AT westerncape.gov.za
Office hours : 7:30 – 16:00

Provincial Taxi Office :
Tel : 021 696 3213/14
Fax : 021 696 3206

Provincial Transport Registrar’s Office :
Tel : 021 483 0259
Fax : 021 483 0206

Note :
** Should you have any queries, or require assistance to complete the application, a Customer Relationship Officer may be contacted at the following number, 021 483 0270/0216.

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