csir.co.za Office of the Digital Advantage (ODA) Manager : Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

Company Name : Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Job Title : Office of the Digital Advantage (ODA) Manager
Closing Date: Friday, February 17, 2017
Ref Number: 307736
Location : Pretoria

Website : https://www.csir.co.za/vacancies
Guideline : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/6087-ODAManager.pdf

Office of the Digital Advantage (ODA) Manager

About the job :
** The CSIR has a vacancy for an ODA Manger in the Implementation Unit.
** The purpose of this role is to manage and represent the ODA in all ICT related initiatives and actively manage the ICT portfolio on behalf of the Department of Science and Technology (DST).

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** This position is based in Pretoria.

Key responsibilities :
** Implement the ODA business plan and strategic objectives in collaboration with the relevant DST Manager;
** Align the ODA activities to government strategic objectives and strategies, with specific emphasis on the DST’s ICT Research Development and Innovation Roadmap;
** Coordinate interaction with other government departments and ICT initiatives to ensure alignment between the DST ICT interventions with other relevant strategies;

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** Manage the ODA to be in line with the CSIR’s policies, standards and procedures towards adherence to corporate governance;
** Manage the ODA to be aligned with the CSIR IU quality processes and prepare ODA operations manual;
** Manage key strategic relationships with relevant international and local partners on behalf of the ODA;

** Liaise with other relevant entities, programmes and stakeholders;
** Develop partnership with key stakeholders linked to the ODA;
** Facilitate South African ICT industry access to relevant and appropriate CSIR national facilities and experts;
** Organise symposia and workshops as required to further the work of the ODA;
** Contract appropriate service providers to implement main areas of activity identified in the ODA Business plan;

** Actively manage the national public ICT portfolio within the National System of Innovation;
** Facilitate the day-to-day management and operation of the ODA;
** Prepare associated budgets to support the work of the ODA;
** Provide quarterly and annual reports of ODA activities;
** Organise, prepare, and support meetings and other work of the ODA;
** Carry out any other duties required by Planning and Monitoring Committee;
** Ensure that the ODA functions effectively deliver against its short, medium and long term strategic objectives and targets as defined by the DST;
** Implement and manage the national flagship projects as identified in the ODA business plan;
** Liaise with a diverse portfolio of people locally and internationally.

Qualifications, skills and experience :
** A Master’s degree in information technology with at least five years’ experience within the ICT environment with a solid track record in management principal;
** Adequate experience and knowledge in management and other related fields of expertise;
** Business related experience;
** Self-disciplined;
** Good interpersonal relationship and stakeholder liaison skills;
** Well-spoken and diplomatic;
** Knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA);
** Good financial management skills;
** Leadership and people management skills;
** Ability to interact and network at a high level and have good technical acumen;
** Capacity building.

How to apply :
** Should you meet the above requirements, please email your CV to Should you meet the above requirements, Please email your CV to jobapplication AT csir.org with your name and surname, position title and reference Number in the subject Line (eg Jhon Smith ODA Manager : Reference Number: 307736 )

Note :
** Please Note That Feedback Will Be Given To Shortlisted Candidates Only.
** For More Info, Please Contact The Csir Recruitment Centre On 012 841 4774 Or Email Us At Recruitmentinfo@Csir.Co.Za

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