KFC Zinger Wings Competition

Organization : KFC Proprietary Limited
Competition Name : KFC Zinger Wings Competition
Applicable For : South African Citizen
Competition Deadline : 7 April 2017
Prize : KFC Zinger Wings Wi-code bucket vouchers for a month

Website : https://www.kfc.co.za/termsandconditions/

KFC Zinger Wings Competition Rules :

1. Competition Period :
** The Competition will commence at 00h01 on 14 February 2017 and will end at 23h59 on 7 April 2017 (“Competition Period”).
** No entries will be permitted after 23h59 on 7 April 2017.

Related : KFC Win R10000 towards your 2017 School Fees Competition : www.southafricain.com/6185.html

2. Eligible entrants :
In order to be eligible for participation in this Competition, an entrant must be :
2.1. 18 (eighteen) years of age or older on the date that you enter, or if between the ages of 14 (fourteen) years and 18 (eighteen) years, you must be assisted by a parent and/or legal guardian;

2.2. in possession of a valid South African identity document or passport;
2.3. be a citizen or permanent resident of South Africa currently living in South Africa;

2.4. have a valid Facebook® or Twitter™ account
2.5. “like” the Facebook® Page, OR follow @KFCSA on Twitter™ (accessible at https://twitter.com/KFCSA) (“Twitter™ Profile”); and

2.6. undertake to abide by these Rules, failing which the winner shall forfeit the prize on the grounds of ineligibility. Each entrant represents and warrants that by entering in or participating in this Competition, he/she has full eligibility to do so. The Organisers reserve the right to request proof that entrants have met these eligibility requirements.

3. How to Participate :
3.1. To enter the Competition, and stand a chance of being 1 (one) of 3 (three) winners of a “month’s supply” of Zinger Wings, valued at R104.90 (one hundred and four rand and ninety cents) each, and to record an on camera flavourful moment which will be shared on our social media platforms, eligible entrants will be required to:

3.1.1. “like” the Facebook® Page; OR

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3.1.2. “follow” the Twitter™ Profile; AND when prompted, post or tweet, as the case may be, on the Facebook® Page or Twitter™ Handle, commenting on what flavourful things they would do for flavourful KFC Zinger Wings, using the hashtag “#FlavourfulWings”.

3.2. One (1) entrant will be selected weekly and rewarded for their #FlavourfulWings based on the abovementioned entry requirements.

3.3. Entrants may publish and tag KFC in any number of #FlavourfulWings comments, provided that the comments are posted by the entrant during the Competition Period and further provided that an entrant who wins any weekly prize will automatically become ineligible to enter the Competition again thereafter.

4. Nature of Prize and Prize allocation :
4.1. Entrants stand a chance to win 1 (one) of 3 (three) KFC Zinger Wings Wi-code bucket vouchers for a month, valued at R104.90 (one hundred and four rand and ninety cents) each, and to record an on camera flavourful moment which will be shared on our social media platforms.

4.2. The Organiser’s selection committee, duly guided by the criteria of originality and creativity, will determine the winners for each week within their sole and absolute discretion. The selection committee’s decision will be final and binding.

4.3. The winners for each week will be announced on Friday’s.
4.4. The Competition prizes are not transferable and the Organisers reserve the right to substitute any prize with another prize of similar value.

5. Winners :
5.1. Each winner will be notified that he/she has won a prize via Direct Messaging on their Facebook or Twitter page only.
5.2. Such notification shall take place within 24 (twenty-four) hours of the entrant being selected as a winner.
5.3. The Organisers shall undertake to deliver the respective prize to the winner within a week or two of the winner providing written confirmation of his/her residential or business address.

5.4. Winners will be selected and prizes allocated at the offices of Ogilvy South Africa Proprietary Limited, registration number: 1995/005765/07 (being The Brand Building, 15 Sloane Street, Bryanston) or such other place as the Organizers may determine, provided that notification to winners of their prizes will be in accordance with the provisions of these Rules.

5.5. Should a winner not redeem his/her prize within 3 (three) days from the draw date thereof, his/her prize will be forfeited.

Tags: kfc.co.za
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