Pick n Pay & Mango 10 Million Points Smart Shopper Competition : picknpay.co.za

Organization : Pick n Pay Retailers Pty Ltd
Competition Name : Pick n Pay and Mango 10 Million Points Smart Shopper Competition
Applicable For : South African CItizen
Competition Deadline : 31 March 2017.
Prize : 50 000 points

Website : http://www.picknpay.co.za/competition-tcs/pick-n-pay-and-mango-10-million-points-smart-shopp

Pick n Pay & Mango 10 Million Points Smart Shopper Competition :

Rules Of The Competition :
** This promotional competition opens on 1 February 2017 and closes on 31 March 2017.

Related : Pick n Pay Name our Rhino Competition : www.southafricain.com/3024.html

The prize :
** A share of 10 million Smart Shopper Points (200 winners to win 50 000 points each equating to R500 per winner)
** 200 winners in total
** Prizes are not transferable and may not be exchanged for cash or other prizes.
** Points will be issued within 10 working days after winners have been drawn.

In order to qualify as an entrant for this promotional competition :
** the entrant must live in the Republic of South Africa;
** the entrant must provide correct and full personal details, as required; and

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** the entrant must be 18 years old or older.
** the entrant cannot be a juristic entity and must be an individual;
** The competition is open to all registered Pick n Pay smart shoppers

** The promoters, Pick n Pay Retailers (Proprietary) Limited, any entity in the Pick n Pay Group or Company and Mango, their directors, members, partners, employees, agents or consultants, the suppliers of goods or services in connection with this promotional competition, or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the above named parties and their respective spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members are not permitted to participate in this promotional competition.

To enter the promotional competition, the entrant must :
** ** Purchase any Mango flight booking in the months of February and March at the Money Counter in selected Pick n Pay stores and provide their smart shopper card for automatic entry.

** Smart Shoppers must book at the Money Counter stores listed in Annexure A.
** Participants may enter the promotional competition as many times as they wish.
** Participants may only win once.

Selection Of Winners :
** Winners will be selected 14 April 2017 (this date is subject to change without notice).
** Entrants to whom prizes will be awarded will be selected through a random draw.
** Winners will be contacted via email or telephonically starting on the 20 April 2017 (this date is subject to change without notice).

Categories: Contest
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