dsd.gov.za Apply For National Adoption : Department of Social Development

Organization : Department of Social Development
Facility : Apply For National Adoption

Website : http://www.dsd.gov.za/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=98

Apply For National Adoption :

Adoptions :
** Adoption is the placement of a child in the permanent care of a person who is not their biological parent or permanent guardian.

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** Adoption provides a permanent or stable family life for children who would otherwise be deprived of one.
** Inter country adoption is when a child is adopted by a person or persons from another country.

** Prescriptions regarding the overall adoption service apply to the Children’s Court, adoption agencies and adoptive parents.
** Prescriptions regarding the inter-country adoption service apply to local and foreign clients who make enquiries, accredited adoption agencies and central authorities of other countries

Who Qualifies :
** Any child in need of care up to the age of 18

Steps To Follow :
** Complete a form at your nearest Social Development office or Children’s Court.
** Your application will be assessed to determine your suitability as an adoptive parent.
** If your application is successful, the Commissioner of Welfare will issue an adoption order.

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** After the Commissioner has issued the adoption order, documents are sent to the Registrar of Adoptions for registration.
** The Registrar of Adoptions will subsequently issue a certified copy of Adoption.

the following :
** adopted or birth name of the adoptee
** identity number or date of birth of the adoptee
** names of adoptive parents or biological parents
** full contact details of the enquirer.

What you should do :
** Go to any adoption agency in any province of your choice to apply.
** The adoption agency will conduct a screening/ home study to check if you are fit and proper to adopt a child.

** If the agency is satisfied with the results, they will put you on a Register of Adoptable Children and Adoptive Parents while they help you search for a child who is available for adoption.
** If a child is available, they will call you to the offices to meet the child and ask you if you are interested in adopting the child.

** If you agree, they will send your report to the Children’s Court to finalise the adoption and issue an adoption order.
** The Court report will be sent to the Department of Social Development so they can check if correct procedure was followed and to record both your and the child’s details.

How much does it cost :
** You must pay to an accredited child protection organisation in respect of an inter-country adoption.
** Group orientation – R2 250 per session
** Interview/counselling – R250 per hour
** Home visits – R250 per hour
** Home study report – R500 per report
** Court processes – R500 per day
** Birth registration – R170 per hour
** Administration costs – R170 per hour
** After care services – R500 once-off payment
** Origin enquiry/tracing – R200 per hour

Contact Address :
National Department of Social Development,
HSRC Building,
134 Pretorius Street,
South Africa

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