#ClicksEggHunt – Clicks Egg Hunt Social Media Competition

Organization : Clicks
Competition Name : #ClicksEggHunt Clicks Egg Hunt Social Media Competition
Applicable For : Club Card Members
Competition Deadline : 14 April 2017
Prize : R1000.00 Clicks online vouchers

Website : https://clicks.co.za/competitions/view/clicks-egg-hunt-social-media-competition

#ClicksEggHunt Social Media Competition :

** Stand a chance to win 1 of 12 Clicks online vouchers to the value of R1000 each!
** Follow the clues on the Clicks Facebook and Twitter pages to find the egg on the Clicks website, and then to the entry form! Good luck!

Related : Clicks Win a Mountain Bike- EVOX Endurance Competition : www.southafricain.com/6607.html

Terms and Conditions :
1. By entering the #ClicksEggHunt competition, all participants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

2. This competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook (“FB”) or Twitter. Any correspondence regarding this competition must be directed to Clicks and not to FB or Twitter.

3. All information collected pursuant to the competition is collected by Clicks and not by FB or Twitter. By submitting your information to Clicks, you consent to Clicks using your information in connection with the competition.

4. In order to be eligible to enter the competition, a participant :
4.1 must be at least 18 years old and residing in the Republic of South Africa;
4.2 must have a valid e-mail account, Facebook profile and Twitter feed.
4.3 must use the clue to find the hidden egg on a product landing page or brand landing page on the Clicks website – then follow the link to the online entry form.

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5. All participants who meet the eligibility requirements set out above will automatically be entered into the competition.

6. The following persons and entities are not eligible to participate in the competition :
6.1 directors, members, partners, employees, agents of or consultants to Clicks Group Limited, its subsidiaries, divisions and/or associated companies (“Clicks”) or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by Clicks, and their spouses, life partners, immediate family members and business partners;

6.2 directors, members, partners, employees, agents of or consultants to the advertising and promotion agencies of Clicks and their spouses, life partners, immediate family members and business partners

7. The competition commences on Monday 20 March 2017 at 09:00 and closes on Friday 14 April 2017 at 16:00. (PLEASE NOTE: the competition only runs in the week, from Monday to Friday).

8. 12 winners (3 winners per week) will be drawn by random selection from all eligible entries. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence in this regard will be entered into.

8.1 Winners will be drawn on :
First set: 27 March 2017
Second set: 03 April 2017
Third set: 10 April 2017
Fourth set: 18 April 2017

The prizes for the competition are as follows :
9.1 Twelve Clicks online vouchers to the value of R1000.00 each.
10. The prizes are not transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash or for any other item. If, for any reason, Clicks cannot provide any of the prizes, Clicks will award an alternative prize of a similar value.

Categories: Contest
Tags: clicks.co.za
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