fnb.co.za Fixed Deposit & Restart Fixed Deposit Competition : FirstRand Bank

Organization : FirstRand Bank Limited
Competition Name : Fixed Deposit & Restart Fixed Deposit Competition
Applicable For : Reside in the Republic of South Africa
Competition Deadline : 31st July 2017
Prize : R150 000

Website : https://www.fnb.co.za/all-promotions.html
Terms & Condition : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/7310-FixedDeposit.pdf

Fixed Deposit & Restart Fixed Deposit Competition :

Promoter(s) Name(s) :
** This competition is run by FNB, a division of FirstRand Bank Limited with Reg. No. 1929/001225/06 (“FNB”).

Related : FirstRand Bank NAEDO Mandate Conversion Competition : www.southafricain.com/7172.html

** In these rules we refer to the above promoter(s) as “the promoter(s)”, or “us” or “we”. We will refer to participants as “you”.

Promotion start date : 1st April 2017 at 00h00
Promotion end date : 31st July 2017 at 24h00

Duration and availability :
** The promotion will run for a period of 4 months and is limited to one prize

Eligibility :
Who qualifies to take part?
** The Fixed Deposit & Restart Fixed Deposit Competition is available to all individuals aged 18 or older who reside in the Republic of South Africa.

** Entrants who are aged 18 or older will be automatically entered into a draw to stand a chance to win.
** The competition is also open to all Businesses registered and established in the Republic of South Africa.

Who cannot take part in this promotion?
** The following persons may not participate in this competition even if they qualify to do so. They will forfeit (give up) any prize awarded to them.

Individuals :
a) Any employee of FNB Savings & Cash Investments;
b) The spouse, life partner, siblings, children, or parents of any persons named above.

Related Post

Business :
a) Any entity defined as a Public Sector Organisation;
b) Businesses who are not registered and/or established in the Republic of SA
c) A business owned by the spouse, life partner, siblings, children, or parents of any employee of FNB Savings & Cash Investments

How to take part?
In order to qualify, please note the following :
Individuals :
** You must open an FNB Fixed Deposit account or FNB Restart Fixed Deposit account between the 1st of April 2017 and the 31st of July 2017;
** The investment term for the FNB Fixed Deposit must be for a period of 12 months or longer;

** The account may be opened through any banking channels;
** One entry will be allocated for every full R100 000 invested in a NEW & REINVESTED FNB Fixed Deposit account or FNB Restart Fixed Deposit account

Business :
** You must open an FNB Fixed Deposit account between the 1st of April 2017 and the 31st of July 2017;
** The investment term for the FNB Fixed Deposit must be for a period of 6 months or longer;
** The account may be opened through any banking channels;

** One entry will be allocated for every full R100 000 invested in a NEW & REINVESTED FNB Fixed Deposit account or FNB Restart Fixed Deposit account
** Customers opening their accounts via digital channels will double their entries;

Prize Includes :
** Cash Prize of R150 000 for the randomly drawn Individual winner
** Cash Prize of R150 000 for the randomly drawn Business winner

Specific Prize Rules :
** The prizes are not transferable upon the request of the winning customers. Prizes are not negotiable and cannot be exchanged.

** A random draw will be conducted by FNB.
** Winners drawn will be contacted via all communication channels provided by customers.
** Should we not be able to get a hold of the winner within two months after the draw, FNB reserves the right to redraw and select another winner.

Are there competition interest rates that apply?
** There are no competition interest rates that apply.
** Standard interest rates apply as published on .fnb.co.za which are based on the selected product(s), balance tier, account term and customer age where applicable.

Which terms and conditions apply to the promotion?
** FNB Fixed Deposit Account Rules.
** FNB Restart Fixed Deposit Account Rules.
** FNB Savings and Cash Investments Account General Terms & Conditions.
** FNB General Terms and Conditions.
** Rules that apply to competitions/promotions run on social network sites like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare or Pinterest.
** These Terms and Conditions can be found on .fnb.co.za

Categories: Contest
Tags: fnb.co.za
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