univen.ac.za Apply for University Residences : Venda

Organisation : University of Venda
Facility : University Residences
Location : Thohoyandou

Website : http://www.univen.ac.za/index.php?Entity=Housing%20and%20Accomodation
Download Residence Application Forms :
Form For First Entering Students : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/7527-RESIDENCEform.pdf
Form For Returning Students : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/7527-RETURNINGSTUDENTS.pdf

Apply for University Residences

Application for Admission :
** Application for admission to a University residence must be made on the prescribed form to reach the University in September of the year which precedes the year in which he/she intends to register.

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** Please click here to access the residence application form for first entering students or click here to access the residence application form for returning students

** By signing the application for admission a student undertakes to abide by the rules and regulations applying to residential students of the University of Venda as well as the disciplinary measure to be taken by the University in cases of infringement of these regulations.
** The University reserves the right to refuse admission to any student without supplying reasons for doing so.

Residence Regulations :
Allocation of Rooms :
** Rooms are allocated by residence authorities with the assistance of House Representative Committee members. You are at liberty to choose your roommate during room allocation if you have been allocated a double room. You are not allowed to swap rooms without the knowledge and consent of residence authorities.

Control and Authority :
** The control of and authority in the University residences is entrusted to the House Representative Committee and the Residence Committee.

The House Representative Committee :
** Students in each residence elect one representative to the House Representative Committee at the beginning of the academic year. The representatives elect a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary. The House Representative Committee is responsible for the general welfare of resident students and the maintenance of order and discipline in the residences.

** The committee works in cooperation with the Hostel Superintendent, who is accountable to the Dean of Students. Problems in the residences are solved by the representatives with the help of the Superintendent. Only serious cases are referred to the Dean of Students.

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** The University´s Disciplinary code prevails.

Attitude Towards Property :
** Resident students are expected to cultivate a positive attitude towards University property.
** Students who break, damage or destroy University property shall be compelled to make good the loss.
** Students must respect the property of the University.The cost (material and labour) of damaged or broken residence property will be distributed equally among students concerned.

** In every case of damage to property, the Residence Superintendent will assess the nature, extent of damage and the circumstances under which it occurred.
** If the name of the culprit is known to the Resident Superintendent, the culprit will bear the repair cost alone.

Personal Property :
** The University assume no responsibility for theft, damage to personal property, or loss of money, valuables or personal effects of any student or guest.

Noise and Disruption of Studies :
** the period of silence in the residence, from 19:00 to 05:00, must be strictly observed for the purpose of study.
** Television sets, portable radio and tape recorders must be operated softly or switched off during evening study hours.

Breakfast, Lunch and Supper Time :
** The prescribed times must be strictly adhered to.
** Students who are allergic to certain kinds of food are required to produce medical certificate to that effect.

Catering Personnel :
** A professional catering company is in the service of this University.
** Catering personnel must be accorded the respect they deserve. They are not under the control of students.
** Apparent irregularities on the part of catering personnel should be reported promptly to members of the House Representative Committee for investigation.

** Students who tamper with computer system will be reported to the residence authorities for appropriate action.
** Students are required to have or take meals from the Student Cafeteria. Students who have paid for meals will use their student cards when they take meals. Queueing for meals in the student cafeteria must be observed.

Visitors to Residence :
** Students are required to report their visitors who intent to stay in the residence overnight to the Residence Superintendent for purposes of control.
** People who stay in the residence without the knowledge and the consent of the residence authorities will be referred to the Security Section

Contact Address :
University of Venda
Private Bag x5050

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