HEARD Research Internship Programme

Organisation : HEARD
Announcement : Research Internship Programme
Applicable for : South African Citizen,PhD Applicants
Application Deadline : 14 July 2017
Website : https://www.heard.org.za/

Research Internship Programme :

About :
** Suitable candidates for the programme are recruited for a period of one year and are allocated to HEARD programme leads in specialist areas, namely; disability, health and livelihoods; gender equality and health; health governance and finance; health systems strengthening.

Related : HEARD Doctoral Research Scholarships 2018 : www.southafricain.com/8375.html

** Research trainees are guided by senior researchers to sharpen their research and policy analysis skills in an environment that strives for excellence in scholarship.

Responsibilities :
** Participation in the conceptualisation and execution of research projects;

The formulation of research questions and writing proposals:
** Assisting with the submission of research proposals;
** Collection and analysis of data;
** Writing up of research results, research reports and manuscripts for publication;
** Presenting at conferences;
** Research administration of research project activities.

Qualifications :
** At the discretion of HEARD Management, candidates will be selected who have qualifications and work experience relevant to HEARD’s research agenda.
** A Masters qualification is necessary however, as well as strong quantitative or qualitative analytical skills.

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Commitments :
** You are expected to agree to a research/study programme and set personal and professional targets to be achieved during your internship.

** You will be expected to be involved in at least one research project, preferably more, through assisting the researchers on the project/s. This diverse experience will enable you to gain valuable research experience in the diverse activities of research, and by the end of your internship you will have a solid record of research experience.

** You are expected to contribute to HEARD’s programme of research through production and provision of materials and manuscripts.
** You will also be required to submit one single or lead-author article for publication in a peer reviewed journal.

** You should make substantial progress towards preparing your PhD proposal.

** As an intern, you will be required to meet with your research mentor once a week for informal discussion about issues that are relevant to you and your work. These weekly meetings will form the basis for your final assessment at the end of your internship, and are intended to foster communication between you and your researcher/mentor, and to help you develop as a researcher.

Salary :
** We offer a competitive salary, with a 13th cheque on completion of your internship.

Contact :
Applications and application-related enquiries should be directed to :
Robyn-Lee Wagner
Human resources officer
Phone: +27 (0)31 260 7837
Email: wagnerra AT ukzn.ac.za

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