Vodacom Laptop,Portable Devices & Quick SIM Cover Insurance

Organisation : Vodacom (Pty) Ltd
Type of Facility : Vodacom Laptop and Portable Device Insurance
Head Office : Durban
Website : http://www.vodacom.co.za/vodacom/terms/vodacom-laptop-portable-devices-and-quick-sim-cover

Vodacom Laptop,Portable Devices & Quick SIM Cover Insurance :

** These terms and conditions cover both the Vodacom Laptop/Portable Devices and the QuickSIM Cover products.

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** These are separate products therefore, please ensure that you make reference to the sections applicable to the products that you purchased as outlined in your policy schedule.

Section A : (Applicable To Laptop/Portable Device Cover Only)
Laptops and Portable Devices :
** Theft or sudden and unforeseen physical loss of or damage to the equipment used together with the Vodacom Mobile Data Connect Device and SIM card listed on the attached schedule during the period of insurance from any cause or event not excluded.

Mobile Data Connect Device :
** If insurance has been selected on this device then the device is covered against sudden and unforeseen physical loss, damage or failure of the device as specified in these terms and conditions from any cause not excluded.

Limits of Indemnity :
Laptops and Portable Device :
** The maximum amount payable in the event of a claim for the Laptop or Portable Device shall be determined in accordance with the prescribed premium bands at the time of inception of contract.

** Your device will be replaced to the value of the device at the time of loss, theft or damage, or the maximum amount of the sum insured, whichever is the lower.

Mobile Data Connect Device :
** The maximum amount payable in the event of a claim for the mobile data connect device shall be limited to the value of the device at the time of loss, theft or damage, or the maximum sum insured, whichever is the lower.

Excess payable :
1. Your excess depends on whether your device is repaired or replaced.

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Band Cover Excess payable by You
Repair Replace
0 R0 – R1 500 10% of Repair Cost OR R150 (whichever is higher) 10% of Replacement Cost OR R150 (whichever is higher)
0.5 R1 501 – R2 500
1 R2 501 – R5 000 10% of Repair Cost OR R200 (whichever is higher) 10% of Replacement Cost OR R500 (whichever is higher)
2 R5 001 – R7 000
3 R7 001 – R9 000
4 R9 001 – R12 000
5 R12 001 – R15 000
6 R15 001 – R18 000

a) In the event of replacement an additional excess of R300 will apply to any claims occurring within 30 days from date of inception of this insurance contract as reflected on the schedule.
b) In the event of a second repair claim within 12 months of a previous repair claim an additional R300 will be payable.

Specific conditions :
Basis of indemnity :
Subject to the limits of indemnity our liability is limited to the cost of repairs or replacement of the Laptop or Portable Device or Mobile Data Connect Device at our sole option, as follows :
a) Partial damage Where the equipment can be repaired, we will pay the costs reasonably incurred to restore it to its state of serviceability immediately before the occurrence of the damage. Should such costs exceed 50% of the value of the equipment it will be replaced.

b) Total loss: Subject to the maximum limit of indemnity less the first amount payable we will replace the equipment at the sole option of the insurer as follows :
i. We will replace the Laptop or Portable Device or Mobile Data Connect Device with equipment of the same or similar type but not more superior to nor more extensive or expensive than the property insured.

ii. Should the Laptop or Portable Device or Mobile Data Connect Device no longer be available, we will replace it with the nearest functionally equivalent model as established by Cellsure (Pty) ltd, less the first amount payable or

iii. Should the insured wish to replace with a more expensive model, the difference in price and the first amount payable will be for your account.

2. Change of equipment and increase value: It is your duty to notify us in writing if you change your equipment for whatever reason and if such a change leads to the value of the new equipment exceeding the sum insured as defined.

Section B : (Applicable To Quicksim Cover Only)
** If QUICKSIM has been selected on the schedule then the SIM card as defined is covered against sudden and unforeseen physical loss, damage or failure of the SIM card as specified in this certificate from any cause not excluded.

** Vodacom QuickSIM also covers a maximum of R100 per claim (VAT inclusive) for any unauthorized calls made due to loss, theft or damage.

Limits of indemnity :
SIM card :
** The maximum limit of indemnity payable in respect of the SIM card will be the replacement cost of the SIM card.
** You are allowed 3 SIM card replacements during a 24 month period. No excess charge on claims.

Specific conditions :
Basis of indemnity :
Subject to the limits of indemnity our liability is limited to the cost of repairs or replacement of the SIM card at the discretion of the insurer, as follows;
a. Damage, Loss or Theft
i. Damaged, lost or stolen SIM cards will be replaced with same or SIMilar type
ii. Should the SIM card no longer be available we will replace it with the nearest functionally equivalent model as established by the insurer
iii. A SIM swop can be done whereby you will retain your MSISDN number.
iv. Data is not retrievable on a lost, stolen or damaged SIM.
v. Should you wish to replace the SIM card with a more expensive SIM card, the difference in price payable will be for your account.

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