womanandhomemagazine.co.za Win 1 of 3 Stunning Verus Fine Jewellery Necklaces : Woman & Home South Africa

Organization : Woman & Home South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Competition Name : Win 1 of 3 Stunning Verus Fine Jewellery Necklaces
Applicable For : South African Citizen
Competition Deadline : 28 February 2018
Prize : R14 200
Website : https://www.womanandhomemagazine.co.za/

Woman & Home Win Jewellery Necklaces

** What better treat is there this Valentine’s Day than something shiny… and kilojoule-free? Forget the chocolates – this month, all we want is a sparkly piece from Verus Fine Jewellery’s sublime selection!

Related : Woman & Home South Africa Win A Lindt Valentine’s Day Competition : www.southafricain.com/5949.html

** Competition closes 28 February 2018

** Set up in 2015, the SA company has one of the most luxe jewellery ranges you’ve ever laid your eyes upon. And, with ‘verus’ being Latin for ‘real’, all of their items are exactly that. Everything is handmade by masterful goldsmiths in Joburg, who use only the very best locally sourced diamonds and semi-precious stones, yielding marvellous jewels for you to adorn yourself with.

** What’s more, every ornament is unique, as the colours in each of the gems used differ – so you can rest assured that there won’t be another person wearing the exact same pair of earrings, ring or bracelet as you. Talk about a bonus!


** This month’s competition is especially lavish, as we have three truly stunning necklaces to give away, each worth R14 200.

** Each prize comprises a pretty 18-carat rose-gold 50cm chain valued at R6 000, with an 18-carat rose-gold disc pendant, worth R5 900, that you can personalise with an inscription, for free. The final touch is a dainty charm, worth R2 300, in a lovely colour of your choice: blue, green, yellow or orange. What a spoil!

Related Post

** For more information on Verus Fine Jewellery, head on over to verusfinejewellery.com

How To Enter

To enter, fill in the form below :
Enter Verus Fine Jewellery
Enter Name & surname*
Enter Contact number*
Enter Email address*

For your chance to win, simply answer the following question :
What kind of gem is the charm on the necklace?*
To find the answer, go to page 69 of the February 2018 issue of woman&home magazine.
Choose Would you like to be added to Verus Fine Jewellery mailing list?* Yes / No**

Terms and Conditions

** The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

** The competition is open to South African residents only. The competition is not open to employees of Caxton and their immediate families, the prize sponsors or their respective advertising agencies and PR companies.
** Only one entry per person is permitted. Additional entries will not be considered.
** Entries clearly not associated with the entrants name will be disqualified

** Entries will be considered incomplete and thus disqualified if the entrant does not provide all requested information including name, telephone number and email address.
** Entry information will not be shared with any third party without the entrant’s prior knowledge and consent.
** By signing up for any competition, you agree to received the woman and home newsletter

** Actual prizes may differ from those images used as promotional material for the particular competition.
** The prize(s) will go to the first name(s) selected at random after the closing date. Woman & home reserves the right to publish the name(s) and/or photograph(s) of the winner(s).

** Prize(s) are not transferable and may not be exchanged for cash.
** Actual prizes may differ from those depicted in the promotional posters.
** If you haven’t claimed your prize in 30 days, it will not be resent. Woman &home reserves the right to redistribute all unclaimed prizes.

** When the same competition is offered across different titles in Caxton Magazines’ stable during the same month, an individual may enter the competition through more than one magazine, but will only be awarded one prize should the individual be selected through the random draw as a winner for the same competition across more than one of Caxton Magazines’ titles.

Categories: Contest

View Comments (1)

  • Lynne Smith says:

    Versus Fine Jewellery! Fantastic new, fresh, exciting concept! My Versus necklace will be a fine piece of jewellery to own!

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