fnb.co.za Revolving Loan Competition 2018 : FirstRand Bank

Organization : FirstRand Bank Limited
Competition Name : Revolving Loan Competition
Applicable For : South African Citizen
Competition Closing Date : 31 January 2018
Prize : R100 000.00 Revolving Loan Credit
Website : https://www.fnb.co.za/
Terms & Conditions : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/9368-LoanCompetition.pdf

FNB Revolving Loan Competition

Read these competition rules carefully. These competition rules (“rules”) explain your rights and duties in connection with this competition.

Related : FirstRand Bank Revolving Loan Competition 2017: www.southafricain.com/8027.html

If you take part in this competition and/or accept any prize, these rules will apply to you and you agree that the promoter(s) can assume that you have read and agreed to be legally bound by these competition rules.

Promoter(s) Name(s) :
** This competition is run by First National Bank (FNB), a division of FirstRand Bank Limited with Reg. No. 1929/001225/06. In these rules, “we” refers to the above promoter(s) as “the promoter(s)”, or “us” or “we”. We will refer to participants and winner as “you”

Important Dates & Times

Entries open: Entries open at 11:59:59pm on 01 December 2017
Entries close: Entries close at 11:59:59pm on 31 January 2018
** The promoter(s) reserve the right to extend the competition. Notice of this will be posted in these rules.


This competition is opened to Easy, Gold, Premier and Private Client account holders. A recipient of a prize under this competition could stand a chance to win one of the following prizes per draw :

1st Prize :
** a maximum of R100 000.00 (One Hundred Thousand Rand) of your outstanding balance on your Revolving Loan Credit Facility, as at the date of draw, paid in full.

Please note :
** The payment of the prize will be made directly into your Revolving Loan Credit Facility account. The prize value will seek to settle the outstanding amount on your Revolving Loan Credit Facility that is the outstanding capital, interest and fees, up to a maximum of R 100 000.00 (One Hundred Thousand Rand).

Please see illustrative example :
** You have a Revolving Loan Credit Facility in the amount of R 50 000.00 (Fifty Thousand Rand).

** As at the date of the competition draw you have an outstanding balance of R30 000.00 (Thirty Thousand Rand). FNB will pay the outstanding balance of R30 000.00 (Thirty Thousand Rand) into your Revolving Loan Credit Facility. The winner may continue to use the Revolving Loan Credit Facility after receiving the prize.

Related Post

2Nd Prize :
** 2nd prize for Gold, Premier and Private Client account holders will be 1 (one) of 5 (five) prizes of eBucks to the value of eB200 000 (two hundred thousand) per winner paid directly into your eBucks account. If you do not have an active eBucks account, you will be required to open one, free of charge.

** Should an Easy account holder be drawn as the winner for the 2nd prize category, the Easy account winner will win an equivalent prize being a Shoprite & Checkers voucher to the value of R 20 000.00 (Twenty Thousand Rand).

3rd Prize :
** One (1) of twenty five (25) ConeXis X2 Smartphones. The smartphone will be couriered to an address provided by the winner and comes with a Connect SIM card.

** Please note participants can only win a single prize and not a combination of prizes. Furthermore, participants can only win one prize throughout the duration of the competition. Prizes cannot be substituted for cash.


Who qualifies to take part?
** This competition is open to any legal resident of the Republic of South Africa who is a natural person that is an Easy, Gold, Premier and Private Client account holder, with a Revolving Loan Credit Facility.

** To guarantee eligibility into the competition draw, you must maintain your Revolving Loan Credit Facility monthly repayment during the competition period and your Revolving Loan Credit Facility must be *active and in good standing at the date of the draw.

** If you are in arrears with your Revolving Loan Credit Facility, you have up to the 31 December 2017 to bring your arrears up to date and thereafter maintain your monthly repayment to be entered in the competition. Should you miss your monthly repayment during the competition period, you will be disqualified.

Who cannot take part?
** The following persons may not take part in this promotion even if they qualify to take part.

They will forfeit (give up) any prizes awarded to them :
a) Private Wealth and Signet account holders
b) Any employee of the promoter(s).
c) Any director, member, partner, agent of, or consultant of the promoter(s).
d) Any other person who is directly or indirectly controls the promoter(s).
e) The spouse, life partner, siblings, children, or parents of any of the persons named in a, b, c, or d, above.

How To Enter

** If you pay and maintain payments of your Revolving Loan Credit Facility monthly repayment amount during the competition period and are not in arrears on your Revolving Loan Credit Facility as at the date of the competition draw, you will automatically be entered in the competition.

Is there a limit on the number of times you can enter?
** Limited to one entry per customer.

How will the winner be chosen?
** The winner will be selected by a random system generated draws to be held on the 19th January 2018 and on the 21st February 2018. Customers who do not win a prize in the first draw on the 19th January 2018 may still be eligible to be entered in the draw for the 21st February 2018.
** The promoter(s) reserve the right to postpone the above dates. Notice of this will be posted in these Rules.

Tags: fnb.co.za
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