picknpay.co.za Durex Smart Shopper Competition 2018 : Pick n Pay Retailers

Organization : Pick n Pay Retailers Pty Ltd
Competition Name : Durex Smart Shopper Competition
Applicable For : Entrant Must Live In The Republic Of South Africa
Competition Deadline : 19 February 2018
Prize : Travel Voucher R25 000
Website : http://www.picknpay.co.za/competition-tcs/durex-smart-shopper-competition

Pick n Pay Durex Smart Shopper Competition

** The promoters to this competition are Pick n Pay Retailers Pty Ltd.

Related : Pick n Pay Store Account Promotion Offer 2018 : www.southafricain.com/9905.html

(“Pick n Pay”) (registration number: 1973/004739/07) a company incorporated in the Republic of South Africa and having its registered address at 101 Rosmead Avenue, Kenilworth, 7708 and Reckitt Benckiser Pty Ltd (“Reckitt Benckiser”) (registration number: 1970/014554/07) a company incorporated in the Republic of South Africa and having its registered address at 8 Jet Park Road, Elandsfontein 1406.

Rules Of the Competition

** This promotional competition opens on 15 January 2018 and closes on 19 February 2018.

In order to qualify as an entrant for this promotional competition, the entrant :
** must live in the Republic of South Africa;
** must provide correct and full personal details, as required;
** must be 18 years old or older;
** cannot be a juristic entity and must be an individual; and
** must be a registered Pick n Pay Smart Shopper.

** The promoters, Pick n Pay, any entity in the Pick n Pay Group or Company and Reckitt Benckiser, their directors, members, partners, employees, agents or consultants, the suppliers of goods or services in connection with this promotional competition, or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the above named parties and their respective spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members are not permitted to participate in this promotional competition.

To enter the promotional competition, the entrant must :
** Purchase any Durex product and swipe their Smart Shopper card for automatic entry.
** Participants may enter the promotional competition as many times as they wish

** The winner and travel partners must be permitted to travel to the specified destination by the relevant authorities. The winner shall forfeit the prize in the event that for any reason whatsoever, the winner is prevented or unable to travel to the specified destination or on the specified dates..

The prize

** One (1) travel voucher for a trip for two (2) to the value of twenty five thousand rand (R25 000);
** One (1) winner in total.

The prize includes :
** One (1) travel voucher to the value of Twenty Five Thousand Rand (R25 000) (including VAT) to be used to book a trip for 2 people to any destination in South Africa;
** Return economy class flights for two (2) to the chosen destination;
** Ground transfers.

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The Prize excludes :
** Any meals, drinks, items of a personal nature, travel insurance and any other expenses not specified in the R25,000 (Twenty Five Thousand Rands) package at the time the booking is mad, will be for the winner’s own account;

** Health requirements where necessary;
** Optional excursions;
** All items of personal nature;
** Gratuities;
** Meals and beverages other than specified;
** And any other items not noted in the inclusions;

** The choice of service providers and venders, including but not limited to accommodation and flights is at the sole discretion of promoters.

** Any travel bookings made are also subject to the terms & conditions as stipulated by Thompsons for Travel.
** Bookings will be made through Thompsons for Travel ONLY. All bookings must be made directly between the winner and Thompsons for Travel.

** The travel package can be customized according to the winner’s needs; however the package must include all costs pertaining to the trip being booked including airline tickets, transfers and accommodation.
** All bookings made using the travel vouchers are subject to availability at time of booking.

** Prizes are not transferable and may not be exchanged for cash or other prizes.
** The travel vouchers are valid for 12 months.
** The prize may not be redeemed during peak holiday seasons such as school holidays.

** Any missed or late arrival for pre-arranged trip which incurs cost will be the prize winner’s responsibility.
** The competition excludes Pick n Pay online shopping purchases.
** Prizes must be procured before the end date of the competition 19 February 2018 by Durex.

Selection Of Winners

** Winners will be selected within four weeks of the competition closure date (this date is subject to change without notice).
** Entrants to whom prizes will be awarded will be selected through a random draw.

** Winners will be contacted via email or telephonically within four weeks of the competition closure date (this date is subject to change without notice). Pick n Pay and Reckitt Benckiser reserves the right to disqualify a winner if he/she does not respond to the email or telephone call within one week of winner selection and randomly select a replacement winner from the competition entries.

** In such circumstances, the replacement winner shall be contacted via email or telephonically by Pick n Pay as soon as reasonably practicable and shall be required to respond to Pick n Pay in the manner set out in such correspondence.

** In the event that the replacement winner fails to respond to Pick n Pay as required, then the provisions of this clause shall apply to that new winner in the same way as if he/she were the original winner. If the selected winner does not have any contact details a redraw will need to take place immediately.

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