justice.gov.za Jobs/Vacancies : Department of Justice and Constitutional Development

Company Name : The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development
Job Title : Justice Jobs/Vacancies
Closing Date : 05 Mar 2018
Location : Durban
Website : justice.gov.za

Justice Jobs/Vacancies

** Please note that applications must not be sent via e-mail. Hardcopies must be posted to our HR division as indicated on each advertisement.

Related : Department of Constitutional Development How to Lodge a Complaint : www.southafricain.com/6243.html

** E-mailed applications are not considered as valid. Your application should be accompanied by certified copies of qualifications, a driver’s license and a CV (where applicable).

** Applications must be submitted on the Application for Employment form (Z83) – please print or obtain it from any Public Service department.

Master – High Court

Reference : 18/17/MAS
Centre : Master Of The High Court: Durban
Package : R948 174 – R1 116 918 (All inclusive). The successful candidate will be required to sign a performance agreement.

Requirements :
** An LLB Degree or 4 years recognized legal qualification at NQF level7;
** 5 years’ experience should be at middle/ senior management level;
** Experience in the functional fields and services provided by the Masters of the High Court;
** Knowledge and experience in the Master’s environment;
** Knowledge of the Administration of Estate Act, Mental Health Act, Insolvency Act, Companies Act, Close Corporations Act, Trust Property Control Act and other relevant legislation; A valid driver’s licence.

Skills And Competencies :
** Financial management; Leadership; Strategic and conceptual orientation;
** Communication skills; Change management;
** People development and empowerment; Project management;
** Time management; Ability to work in a highly pressurized environment; Computer literacy.

Key Performance Areas :
** Monitor and improve the administration of Guardian Funds service;
** Manage, monitor and improve the administration of insolvency services;
** Monitor and improve the administration of deceased estates services and trust services;
** Manage, monitor and improve the administration of curatorship services;
** Provide strategic leadership and guide the roll-out of PEAS (Paperless Estate Administration System) to strategic service points within the jurisdiction of the office of the Master Durban.

Note :
** Preference will be given to women and people with disability.
Enquiries: Mr. M Lehong Tel (012) 315 1264

Related Post

Senior Assistant State Attorney

(LP5-LP6) (03 POSTS)
Reference: 18/18/SA
Salary : R453 435 – R1 069 791 (Salary will be in accordance with OSD determination). The successful candidate will be required to sign a performance agreement

Requirements :
** An LLB or 4 year recognized legal qualification;
** Admission as an Attorney;
** At least 4 years appropriate post qualification legal/litigation experience;
** A thorough knowledge of legal practice, office management, accounting systems and trust accounts;
** The right of appearance in the High Court of South Africa;
** Knowledge of the government prescripts and transformation objective as well as the Constitution of South Africa;
** Conveyancing experience;
** A valid driver’s licence.

Skills And Competencies :
** Computer literacy;
** Legal research and drafting;
** Dispute resolution;
** Case flow management;
** Communication skills (written and verbal);
** Accuracy and attention to detail.

Key Performance Areas :
** Represent the State in Litigation and Appeal in the High Court, Magistrates Courts, Labour Courts, Land Claims, CCMA, Tax and Tax tribunals;
** Furnish legal advice and opinions;
** Draft and/or settle all types of arrangements on behalf of various clients;
** Attend to liquidation and insolvency, queries, conveyancing and notarial services;
** Deal with all forms of arbitration, including inter-departmental arbitration, register trust and debt collection;
** Provide supervision and training to other professional staff.

Enquiries : Mr. M. Kooko ? (012) 315 1164
Note :
(1) People with disabilities are encourage to apply
(2) A current certificate of good standing from the relevant law Society must accompany the application.

Assistant Director

Lgbti Programme (12 Months Contract)
Reference: 18/19/Cd
Centre: National Office, Pretoria
Salary : R334 545 + 37% = R458 326 in lieu of benefits. The successful candidate wil be required to sign a performance agreement.
Requirements :
** A Bachelor’s Degree/ National Diploma in Social Science or Equivalent qualification;
** A minimum of 3 years experience in the management of pending hate crime cases within the criminal justice system;
** Knowledge of the National Intervention Strategy for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) Sector and related matters;
** Knowledge about the work of the National Task Team on Gender and Sexual Orientation-Based Violence Perpetrated Against LGBTI Persons;
** Knowledge and understanding of Public Finance Management Act, Research and Human Rights will be an added advantage; A valid driver’s licensce.

Skills And Competencies :
** Computer literacy (Ms Office); Good Interpersonal skills;
** Dispute Resolution;
** Report writing and problem solving; Project Management;
** Research and analytical skills;
** People management and empowerment;
** Stakeholder management and empowerment;
** Willingness to work overtime when required;
** Communication (verbal and written) skills;
** Stakeholder engagement skills.

Key Performance Areas :
** Provide assistance in the general management of LGBTI hate crime cases and related matters in the Unit;
** Assist in the execution of certain initiatives in the LGBTI Unit;
** Assist in the initiation and execution of research and related initiatives aimed at promoting and projecting the Constitutional rights of LGBTI persons; Assist and co-ordinate in the implementation of the National Intervention Strategy on LGBTI issues that fall within the mandate of the department;
** Assist in management of the LGBTI’s budget and expenditure, including monitoring and reporting;
** Assist in drafting and submitting regular progress reports to the Deputy Director;
** Establish and maintain stakeholder relations with members of the National Task Team especially SAPS, NPA and civil society organizations.
Enquiries : Ms M Kganyago – (012) 315 1844

How To Apply

Applications :
Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to:
Postal address :
The Human Resource
Department of Justice and Constitutional Development,
Private Bag X81, Pretoria, 0001.

Physical address :
Application Box,
First Floor Reception,
East Tower,
Momentum Building,
329 Pretorius Street, Pretoria.

Categories: Government Jobs
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