PPC Imaginarium Art & Design Competition 2019 : ppcimaginarium.co.za

Organization : PPC Imaginarium
Competition Name : PPC Imaginarium Art & Design Competition 2019
Applicable For : Artists & South African creatives
Deadline : 17h00 on 26 March 2019
Website : https://www.ppcimaginarium.co.za/

PPC Imaginarium Art & Design Competition

2019 marks the fifth year that the world-renowned PPC Imaginarium Awards Competition will be showcasing up-and-coming artists who are creating amazing modern art and design pieces using concrete as their medium.

Related : PPC Imaginarium Sculpture Competition 2019 : www.southafricain.com/13426.html


1. Architectural Design Competition
2. Fashion, Jewellery & Industrial Design Competition
3. Online Film Competition

** You can enter for up to three different categories, but may only submit only one entry per category.
** Judges are looking for outstanding craftsmanship, aesthetic appeal, a balance between technical excellence and commercial appreciation, and a respect for the medium of concrete.

Architectural Design Competition

** For this category, only University Departments of Architecture may register entrants.
** Kindly note that the submission deadline is not applicable to the Architecture category.

** Marguerite Pienaar at the University of Pretoria will communicate to the various 3rd year lecturers in due course to obtain the names of their selected one to four students whose work will be submitted at the University of Pretoria in March 2019.

** They will then be given their projects followed by a 6-week production phase in line with the university’s individual program schedule.
** Physical projects will then be submitted and finalists selected before the overall winner is named.

** All work must be submitted on three A1-sized boards and as a model or artefact at any scale, though not to exceed 1000mm x 500mm x 500mm in dimensions.

** All entries must be received on or before 17h00 on 26 March 2019 at the newly refurbished Boukunde Building, Hatfield Campus, UP Architecture Department, Pretoria

Fashion, Jewellery & Industrial Design Competition

** Artists are able to enter into these categories with a strong conceptual statement of what they are going to make along with specs, materials they plan to use and any additional material they would like judges to consider (like sketches, videos, photographs of work in progress etc.).

** The judges will then interrogate the work in a pre-selection phase and inform successful artists that they can move into the production phase of the competition.

** Once physical submissions have been received, regional judging will take place and the work will be featured in regional pop-up exhibitions before the finalists and winners are selected.

Online Film Competition

** Artists in this category will need to come up with a concept for a short film that investigates the role that concrete or cement plays in creating our environments.

** To qualify for the R65 000 budget to produce your film, you will need to pitch your idea in front of a panel of judges.

** If you make it through to the next round, you will receive the budget and be paired with an experienced mentor who will guide you through the production phase during which you will submit drafts for review.

Related Post

** All final edited film submissions will then be considered for final judging.

How Competition Works

** We invite you to push your craftsmanship and creativity using the medium of concrete across 6 categories.

** Each of these 6 categories works a little differently so be sure to interrogate the entry requirements of the category you are most interested in before you submit your entry.


Winner : The PPC Imaginarium Champion receives R100 000.

Architectural Design, Fashion Design, Jewellery Design, Industrial Design, and Sculpture Category Winners : R50 000 and entry into the auspicious gala exhibition.

Architectural Design, Fashion Design, Jewellery Design, Industrial Design, Sculpture Runners-up : R15 000.

Short Film Category : Two short films will be commissioned at a budget of R65 000 each. The winner of the Short Film category will be eligible for the overall R100 000 grand prize.
Prizes for Zimbabwean winners and finalists will be the equivalent amount in Zimbabwean currency.

Mentorship :
** All entrants receive invaluable learning experience and finalists will be mentored by influential South African creatives.

Judging Process

** The judges are looking for entries that demonstrate outstanding craftsmanship, aesthetic appeal, a balance between technical excellence and commercial appreciation, and fulfil a benefit for the end consumer.

** The names of the panel members will be announced upon confirmation.

** Finalists chosen during the regional judging process will proceed to judging by a national panel.
** Post-competition, participants may go on to reproduce their works as they see fit.
** Please note that the judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Cities & Venues

Kindly note that all enquiries regarding the entry process and competition must be directed to contact AT ppcimaginarium.co.za

Pretoria :
Association of Arts Pretoria,
173 Mackie Street,
Nieuw Muckleneuk
Contact person : Nandi Hilliard, artspta AT mweb.co.za , 012-346-3100

Johannesburg :
UJ Gallery,
UJ Kingsway Campus,
Cnr Kingsway and University Rd,
Auckland Park
Contact person: Annali Dempsey, aedempsey AT uj.ac.za, 082-467-2775

Bloemfontein :
16 Harry Smith Street
Contact person: Yolanda de Kock, 051-011-0525, yolanda AT nasmus.co.za

Durban :
KwaZulu-Natal Society of Arts Gallery,
166 Bulwer Road, Glenwood
Contact person: Angela Shaw, 031-277-1705, gallery AT kznsagallery.co.za

Zimbabwe – Harare :
** National Gallery of Zimbabwe – Harare
** Production phase deadline – 30 April 2019
** Judges initial pre-selection phase – 30 April 2019
** Regional submissions of work – 10 May 2019
** National judging, selection of winners and finalists – 17 May 2019
** Announcement of Zimbabwean winners and finalists, gala event and opening of exhibition at National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare – 30 May 2019 (Exhibition closes 28 June 2019.)

Categories: Contest
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