dhet.gov.za Australia Scholarships : Department of Higher Education & Training

Organisation : Department of Higher Education & Training
Announcement : Australia Scholarships
Applicable for : Undergraduate degree South Africans
Closing Date : 15 January 2017

Website : https://www.internationalscholarships.dhet.gov.za/index.php
Application Form for Master’s Degree : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/2013-FormMasterDegree.pdf
Application Form for Short Course : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/2013-FormShortCourse.pdf
Information on Master’s Degree : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/2013-InformationMaster.docx
Information on Short Courses : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/2013-InformationShort.docx

Australia Scholarships :

Programme outline :
** Australia Awards Scholarships are postgraduate scholarships that lead to an academic qualification from an Australian university.

Related : Department of Higher Education and Training Hankuk University of Foreign Studies HUFS Scholarship : www.southafricain.com/368.html

** The objective of the Awards is to provide high-quality education and training to talented Africans who will be in a position, on their return home, to make an important contribution to national or regional development.

Degree level :
** Master’s degree and Short Courses

Deadlines :
** Application deadline for Master’s level study (2018 intake) is 15 December 2016 and application for short courses (June 2017 and May 2018 intake) closes on 15 January 2017.

Who can apply :
** Hold an undergraduate degree
** Be employed in a field relevant to South Africa’s national development priorities
** Application must be endorsed by employer
** Applicants can be from the public sector, civil society organisation and private sector.
** Satisfactory English proficiency to enable full participation in a training course delivered in English.
** Demonstrate a clear vision for how the knowledge gained through the Short Courses will be used to improve policy, practice or reform in their home country.

Related Post

Fields of Study :
** Agriculture
** Development Studies
** Infrastructure
** Education
** Natural Resources Management
** Governance
** Water and Sanitation

Note :
** Please note that this opportunity is not offered by the Department of Higher Education and Training.
** Applicants are required to undertake their own research into programmes and institutions.
** If there are any discrepancies in the details provided, the information given by the sponsor supersedes the details provided above.

Selection Process :
1. The Department of Public Serviceand Administration, South Africa (Pretoria)to be the Coordinating Authority (CA) for the scholarships and arrange for dissemination of information in South Africafrom 1 September 2016 – 15 December 2016. (e.g. through direct communication with relevant ministries and parastatals). The Australian Government will also disseminate information about the Australia Awards on offer more generally, including through our program partners in South Africato ensure equitable access to information.

2. A format for applications is attached, and incorporates the use of a Work Plan on Return (WPR) to assist awardees consider ways to effectively apply their knowledge and skills on return and to assist with monitoring and evaluationfor the effectiveness of the Australia Awards in Africa program. Application forms and other related documents can also be found on the relevant country page on the website : .australiaawardsafrica.org/african-countries/southafrica/awards/masters-awards/

3. The CA will consider means of disseminating award information to women and applicants with disability for equitable access to Australia Awards. Applications from candidates working outside capital cities (county or district level) are also encouraged. Should the CA feel that the selection criteria need to be adjusted in order to promote more equitable access to the Australia Awards in Africa, we would welcome that advice.

4. All applications will be submitted either electronically or in hard copy as per instructions on the website (.australiaawardsafrica.org) to the Managing Contractor for the Australia Awards in Africa. Closing date for applications is 15 December 2016.

5. The Australian Government will provide the CA with a list of all public sector applicants from South Africain two stages: at the end of the short listing process (April 2017) and at the end of the interview process (June 2017), in order that the CA can confirm that the applicants have complied with country specific Human Resource Development/Training plans.

Contact Address :
Scholarships Management
University Education Branch
Department of Higher Education and Training
Private Bag X174
Pretoria, Gauteng 0001
South Africa

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