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Organisation : SASSA South African Social Security Agency
Scheme Name : Special Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress Grant
Facility Name : Reinstate Cancelled SRD R350 Grant Application Online
Country : South Africa

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What is SRD R350 Grant?

The President declared a National State of Disaster as a result of the Covid-19 global pandemic. In this regard he introduced a special Covid 19 Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD) of R350 per month for 6 months to be paid to individuals who are currently unemployed, do not receive any form of income, social grant or UIF payment etc.

Related / Similar Facility : SASSA Special Covid-19 SRD Grant Payment Dates For April 2022

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This Social Relief of Distress Programme was confirmed in the Regulations made under Section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002): Measures to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19, as amended.

How To Reinstate Cancelled SRD R350 Grant Application?

If you previously canceled your special Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress Grant, but would like to reinstate it, please click on the button below.

Step-1: Visit SRD Website:
Step-2: Under Cancel my Application tab: reinstate my cancelled grant application
Step-3: Provide ID number and mobile number, then click send pin
Step-4: Client will receive a sms with 6 digit OTP number
Step-5: Applicant must insert the OTP number and click verify pin
Step-6: Agree to terms and Conditions
Step-7: Click reinstate my grant
Step-8: A message will pop up to ask if applicant is sure about the reinstatement of the grant
Step-9: Click YES to continue with the reinstatement;
Step-10: Click NO to Discard

FAQ On SRD R350 Grant

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) On SRD R350 Grant

What are the payment methods?
** Personal bank account
** Cash Send

What will happen if client fails bank verification?
A SMS notification will be sent to the client to correct bank details. If a client does not respond to the sms a SAPO account will be opened for the client for payment purposes

Can Caregivers apply?
** Care givers who are not receiving any grant on their own behalf will also be eligible to apply
** All care givers (all the child grants – CSG, CDG and FCG) can apply. They have to apply through the same channels, as with any other applicant.
** Care givers who also receive an adult grant (Old Age or Disability) will not qualify for this grant, as the state already supports them financially
** Care givers who receive grants under the system generated numbers can apply using the “7777” number – the system will accept these numbers and we will then validate against Socpen to ensure that they are current care givers
** If approved –that is if the only income they have is the child grant, then the R350 will be paid directly into the account in which they receive their child grant

Can I use somebody else’s phone number or bank account?
Applicants to note that the bank account or the cellular phone number provided for payment MUST be registered in the name

How will I know if my payment is ready for collection?
The application and payment status can be viewed on the SRD website .It is very important for every applicant to provide the correct mobile number through which he/she can be contacted, as all communication with applicants will be through SMS notifications

I cancelled my application because I received a temporary job but now it is finished. Can I re-apply?
Clients who previously cancelled the grant, and who would like to re-activate the grant, due to a change in their circumstances are welcome to re-apply.

What do I do if my application is declined?
** The declined application will only be reconsidered upon a request from the client
** An application has to be lodged on the website within 30 days of the outcome being available.


SASSA Toll Free Call centre on: 0800 60 10 11
Send an email to:

Some Important Information From Comments

The reinstate tab of Cancelled SRD R350 Grant Application is not working. Whenever I enter OTP, it says failed. I am stuck in inserting OTP.

1. My R350 grant application got declined due to the reason, other source of income but, I am unemployed now. I have sent several emails asking for the proof but, they are not sending it and there is no option for reconsideration.

2. I have applied for my SRD grant Since September 2021. Suddenly, it says now your application for September and October month are cancelled without any reason and status for November month is still showing pending.

Most of the commenters commented that, they cancelled their application by mistake and requesting for reinstate cancelled R350 grant application.

General Guidance On Reinstate Cancelled R350 Grant Application

Contact the relevant agency:
If your R350 grant application has been cancelled, you may need to contact the agency responsible for administering the grant, such as the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), to inquire about the reinstatement process. You can try reaching out to them through their official website, customer service helpline, or visiting a local SASSA office in person.

Provide necessary information:
Be prepared to provide your personal information, including your name, identification number, contact details, and any reference numbers related to your cancelled grant application. This information will help the agency verify your identity and locate your application in their system.

Explain the reason for cancellation:
If you know the reason why your R350 grant application was cancelled, be prepared to provide an explanation to the agency. It could be due to missing or incomplete documentation, incorrect information provided, or other eligibility requirements not being met. Provide any relevant details or documentation that may support your request for reinstatement.

Follow the agency’s instructions:
The agency may provide you with specific instructions on how to reinstate your cancelled R350 grant application. This could include submitting additional documentation, updating your application details online, or visiting a local office in person. Make sure to carefully follow their instructions and provide all necessary information to increase your chances of successfully reinstating your application.

Follow up and be patient:
The reinstatement process may take time, and it’s important to be patient and follow up with the agency as needed. Keep track of any reference numbers, case numbers, or communication from the agency for future reference, and make sure to follow up if you do not hear back from them within a reasonable timeframe.

Add a Comment
  1. Ellinah Makhubela

    I cancelled my350 by mistake please help me

  2. Rosemary

    cancel my 350 great

  3. Mpho

    My srd grant was cancelled without any reason please help

  4. Thembisile Thandolwethu Zungu

    I want to cancel my sassa R350 because someone enter the wrong information on it all time decline only 2 months approved December and May please help me out

  5. sarahmgiba9

    I want to reinstate my srd grant for June I cancelled by mistake please reinstate for I’m no longer have income money please. and please

  6. Nontembeko Vundla

    On March 2023 my 350 grant me paid they said my 350 cancelled plz untill now plz help

  7. Ntombi Ndebele

    Please reinstate my aplication I’m no longer have income

  8. Denise Adonis

    please 🙏 help reinstate my cancel application please

  9. Aaron

    please reinstate my application I cancelled it due to 12 months contract now I’m no longer working

  10. Anam jacquelene Gongwana

    Please reinstate my canceled srd application as i never get my350 grant whole year please im desperate im not working

  11. Ntsoaki

    I cancelled my srd grant because I got a ten months contract, but Now I’m nolonger working can you please help me to reinstate my application… it always says failed after I entered the OTP number.

  12. Patrick

    I want to cancel my application because i got a job?

  13. Olwethu Nkani

    Hi sir I was cancelled I my SRD grant but I m not working my parents not working no grant in my home plz” can u help me plz I don’t know what happened in my grant

  14. Tina

    I tried to reinstaine my application online it says failed help me

  15. Khethelani sthembiso

    Please help me my srd was cancelled by mistake April and may please raistant please

  16. Shirley plaatjies

    Hi please help me to get reinstated the person that applied for me canceled my application and I did not get 350 for 9 months

  17. Thembelihle

    April mau june till now its cancel, if itry to reinstate its say fail i try sometimose why

  18. Anonymous

    Gift motileni guys are fooling Us because I was paid in full last year 350 bt now I am being declined for what I don’t know because I am not working

  19. Tholiwe cingo

    I need ahelp about August and September i have not received my r350 grant and I raey apparel I don’t no whatspen

  20. Thabisile Ndimande

    I cancelled my application because decline of April and May and June please help

  21. Sindisiwe

    I cancelled my application by mistake no I need to reinstate my application

  22. Botshelo

    I cancelled my 350 cus of dicline march, April,May cus of income and I don’t have income so pls help how long did cancellation verify or when did I apply again I need that money.

  23. Neliswa

    My application is cancelled by mistake plc help April,May,June and july

  24. Fiona

    I cancelled my application by mistake please help

  25. Simangele Allyah

    Hy I need help i cancel my June and July by mistake do I don’t know what must I do now.cos .June it says I have income but I don’t have any income

  26. Zinhle ntshangase

    My aplication is cancelled by mistake pls help and june, April was dicline and I dont have a job

  27. Phendwani Masoka

    Name Phendwani Masoka ID 76030354XXXX plz halp me my cancel April May June by mistake

    1. Nkosingiphile

      My application cancelled may to July r350 please help me my cancelled may July plz.

  28. Sihle Silvia Ncongwane

    I don’t reserved any income so please help me I need this money please

  29. Simphiwe

    My application was decline due incorrect answer am not working so plz help me guyz to reinstate my application plz

  30. Sharon

    June declined and I have no source of income I don’t know where sassa got this info that I have alternative income….. never worked before iyohhh 🥺

  31. Ntombekhaya Mbuthia

    Please help me to renstate canceled my application is canceled a mistake

  32. Gail

    Why is sassa declined applications for June I got no money am unemployed an when I try to reinstate it doesn’t even want to it says failed isn’t this srd supposed to help the ones in need if then help

  33. Nonhle CHINULA

    Hi pls help me my R350 was canceled by mistake

  34. Lilian

    Even if you reapply or any other methods they show you to apply it just shows you everytime fail even if you in your OTP COME ON GUYS

  35. Lilian

    April May is still pending June was declined because i have a incomei have no income?money that was deposited into my account was to pay my burial R550. did you maybe think about that

  36. Stacey lee

    Please help me reinstate my srd plz

  37. Thulani

    Guys please check our accounts I haven’t been receiving any salary for the past 7 months yet it always say there’s an alternative saurce of income while theres dololo💔😭 please help.As it always fail when I try to apply


      Whei checking my status it say failed but before I using this number and Id number I’m getting my 350, since I started to re apply my application it say already application but I don’t receivingy 350 now when I want to change my account it say number inviled for part

      .. please help me to get my 350

  38. Sinesipho Gcala

    Please help me my application was declined

  39. Zain Johnd

    For the first time my application got declined reason other source if income. I have sent several emails asking for the proof but they not sending this a personal grudge as Sars confirmed that 2016 was my last year of employment

  40. Zain Johnd

    I have been requesting the proof of other source of income from Sassa who declined my application. When you go to the re consideration option it gives you no option to write why etc. I spoke to Sars and they confirmed that the last time i got income was in 2016.i want to know who gives Sassa the right to go into my personal banking account and decide that any amount other than Sassa is a source of income.This is no w an invasion of privacy and i feel that this new officials running our country are using Autocratic approaches towards money that does not belong to them .no 1 this country defies the Country’s Constitution. Equality.Humanity etc eg
    DEFYING Democracy _ This new system was introduced when we expected our April months payment. It was also our holy month for us Muslims I take care of my parents age 74 and 78 and in April when we celebrated Eid I could not even put biscuits on our table. Democracy is respecting each and everyone and there religion. Did Ramaphosa or Minister Zulu apologize or say Eid Mubarak to us. That’s blatant rude and defying Democracy.
    No disrespect for non Muslims but I am using this as an example he won’t dare doing something like this over Xmas.iy will result into looting. Striking etc
    B) HUMANITY its winter period and I would have expected Minister Zulu to know that worldwide statistics proves that one person dye every hour of starvation WORLDWIDE. Are they going to hold her responsible for killing the people of starvasion for the South Africans died because of her delaying this payment.
    Equality. So all the people with no bank accounts got paid so what does this reflect.

    Lastly to close off I want to see how long this is going to take but for everyone above these monies are not theirs they invested more money with A new system than what they paying us so please go google the ENCA channels for their email details as they busy taking Sassa to court for numerous reasons and they will help you as this people is unfit to run anything

  41. Nomvula sbanyoni

    My application has been declined
    It says im receiving an not receiving any income..plz help

  42. Tabiso

    My applications is declined plz help me am not working

  43. Makhosonke ntuntuma

    My applications is declined plz help me

  44. Thandeka ntuntuma

    My applications is declined plz help me

  45. Ntombekhaya mbuthia

    Help me plz my 350 is cancelled am not working

  46. Siena pokwas

    Why did u guys State on my application that iam getting an income which I don’t get,and I still not working so please I really need this it help me a lot when it comes to my kids!!so please, please reply!!!thank you very much….

  47. Anonymous

    I am being dicline for June but April and May is still pending I don’t know why they say because of source of income I only get grant for one child what can be the reason because out of my child grant l have to pay school transport wit what are we.left please help me 😥😥😥

  48. Minenhle Thandeka Zungu

    Please help me reinstate my sassa application grant i need it i canceled because they declined since from August 2021 i wanted to make anew application to start afresh unfortunately i couldn’t cause they cancelled everything and the alternative sources they’re i dentifying it’s from loan sharks so that i can live and provide for my family.

  49. Ntombekhaya Mbuthia

    Hi my application is cancelled plz help me

  50. Bonga

    I hv Neva worked,um depending on this 350 now it says declined….💔

  51. Khanyisile

    Cancel my application please

  52. Qiniso

    My application cancelled by mistake please help me August, September, October, November, December and January February

    1. Stacey lee

      Plz help me reinstate my srd plz it got cancelled by accident

  53. Brandon

    Hi, can you please help me with my reapplication for the srd350 but I can’t cause my number I applied with got lost, what do I need a new number & how do I go about it

  54. Davinia

    Hi applied with a simcard I lost &now I have to reapply for srd350 what can I reapply with a new number

  55. Tshegofatso Thabethe

    Hi my name is Tshegofatso Thabethe. My srd grant is canceled for the the past 3 months (Jan, Feb, March) with no specified reason. Please assist.

  56. Nokuthula Ngubeni

    My application has been declining ever since and I am unemployed it’s been two years now and it’s busy saying I am uif registered.

  57. Kyle leon okkers

    I was got a partime job in july and so i was registered for uif then my srd grant was stopped october and i stopped working in November so i reapplied and up to now they are still declining my application it keeps on saying there’s a alternative source of income but im receiving no income..pls give me some advice of what i can or must do to get my R350 srd grant

  58. Daniel Masoga

    I wanted to reinstate my application here online but it just say failed and as i checked all i entered has no wrong

  59. Zama Ngcobo

    Hi can someone please help me I lost my number which I used to apply for srd now I want to reinstate my application cause it’s always pending going for declining saying I’m registered under uif of which I don’t even have any income

  60. Salome mamosadi

    Since last year August I applied for R350 never got it and it says decline reason :uif I also want it please help I even called sassa they’ve told me of reconcidaration I did it with them but still February says decline March says pending

  61. Anelisa Nkungu

    I want to reinstate my application that i was cancel by mistake,i did not get NSFAS this year because i’m no longer funded my last chance for NSFAS was 2021 so i need srd Sassa grant R350 please help me to reinstate my application.

  62. Cathleen Grieb

    Why dont i get my outstanding srd sassa for Sept okt Nov and Dec they tell me as soon as my acc is activedit i will recieved all my money once it is all rady approved for those months but i have not paid for it yet plase i need that money

  63. Thapelo

    Please sassa I being while 6 months did not receive my R350

  64. rebaonemathews

    I Cancelled My Application By Mistake.So What Can I Do?
    It Doesn’t Want To Reinstate My Application.

  65. Ramodile simon

    My R350 has been cancelled pls help me to reinstate it pls

  66. Nompilo chamane

    my application was declined because of incorrect name and surnume help me what must ido

  67. Evelyn Porche Wagner

    I never received no 350 and I dnt no what is going on so can anyone help me please thank you

    1. Jan Mpyane.

      All these time sisce the start i was receiving R350 and since i unemployed till noe stiil UNEMPLOYED. but my application you keep declining it.

  68. Nobuhle

    I want to cancel my application

  69. Jean

    I would like to change from bank to post office

  70. Anonymous

    I really don’t unjani this thing of srd grant because am not working ihave no I come but my application says declined due to alternative income source identified,how because ihave no source of income

  71. Madam Matlapeng

    I want to cancel this 350

    1. Khongelani


  72. Nekita

    To change my post or bank details place

  73. Thandeka Fikile Mdlalose

    My application is cancelled plz help me

  74. Zayyan

    My application has been canceled May I get some assistance please id number 0109145824081

  75. Mellinia

    Ma application is cancelled pleas assist me

  76. Ntando Nhlebela

    I received my Money on 2020 But If I Register this on August ..My Money Declined Because of Nsfac..But No Income for nsfac Sorry I need help

  77. Riba jeminah

    My application are cancelled by mistake

  78. Joseph hlohlomisang

    My srd R350 grant has been canceled by mistake

  79. Anonymous

    Help plzzz my application cancelled I don’t know how


    My application is cancelled by mistake so please help me.

  81. Noluthando Mzendevu

    Cancel my application by mistake please help me

  82. Stephenie Africa

    My application was declined because thay said my name is in correct but it how my ID is specifically spelling it how du I get reinstated please I’m a widow nd need this thanks

  83. Thembisa

    Plz help my application cancelled by mistake


    I cancelled my application by mistake pls help

  85. Christiaan Emile Adams

    Please help me reinstate my canceled application plz

  86. Zimkhitha Mgqibandaba

    I cancelled my application by mistake

  87. Zimkhitha Mgqibandaba

    My Application was canceled by mistake please can I apply again

  88. Nokulunga

    My application is cancelled help please

  89. Dy_anneline Andrews

    My reconsideration file say application is active and I was declined due of income money I’m not working anymore from june month u can check it on ur system

  90. Koketso

    Can I help u

  91. Raisibe Annikie

    How to reinstate my sassa

  92. Mpho

    How do I reinstate my application? The reinstate tab does not work.

  93. Agnes Mosotho

    My application cancel by mistake way .can I do

  94. Presley ngwenya

    I restrained my r350 but it still says pending.


    My application is cancelled by mistake plz help

  96. Keneilwe Angelina Maselela

    I caseled my application by mistake,please help

  97. ORIA

    I need to reinstate my application

  98. Mathumo Tebogo

    How to reinstate my application

  99. Setoki Isaac molokomme

    My application is cancelled by mistake please help me

  100. Mantombi

    My application has been cancelled for no reason, then boom there is no button for renstate anyway why you are making us fools? Because we are in need of this R350 like any other South Africans.

  101. Angel

    My application is canceled please help me

  102. Gundo mudau

    I need your help for reinstate my canceled application i still need your help please 🥺🥺🙏🏻🙏🏻

  103. Makoena

    Hey I have applied for 350 and I haven’t get it they say there is a source of income and am not working i really don’t know what this comes from and I have cancelled my sassa Grant mistakenly and want to reinstate it

  104. Thabiso philasande

    Please help me to reinstate my cancel application

  105. Njabulo Madikizela

    Hey my srd grant is cancelled by mistake please help me

  106. Nosiphe Matiwana

    Plz help me how to reinstate my application was cancelled by mistake what can I do now ?

  107. Mina Braaf

    My husband is application is cancelled help him for a reinstate please

  108. Lukholo

    Someone cancels my application please me to reiterate my application

  109. Letia sithole

    I would like to reinstate

  110. peace

    how don i reinstate my cancel application

  111. Evelyn Msipha

    Plz help my application is cancelled

  112. zuziwe nxumalo

    im not cancel ineed money to buy food pls help me

  113. zuziwe

    im notcancel plz help need money

  114. Mziwamadoda Swartbooi

    Hello please help I want to reinstate my SRD application. It fails.

  115. Sibusiso Samuel Maseko

    Ramaphosa is angry because we didn’t vote enough this time that why doesn’t to reinstated our application, Ash alcohol 😭

  116. Memory

    My application was cancelled please help I want to reinstate it

  117. Mono

    Plz help I canceled my srd grant by mistake I’m not working I need 350 it will make different in my home I’ve been trying to reinstate but it says fail…

  118. Thulani

    My srd grant is cancelled please i need help

  119. Lethu

    Did you guys ever helped anyone here or did you even read these, My application is canceled don’t know how why, can I get help

    1. hotsen

      My application pending outcome for october canceled november pending?

  120. Ntombifikile Zethu Cele

    Hi guys my name is Ntombifikile zethu Cele i need help to reinstate my cancelled application please help

  121. Xiviko

    I need help to reinstate my cancelled application srd

  122. Marlyn

    Help me I want to reinstate my 350 application I cancelled by mistake

  123. Nomphelo

    Help my application has been cancelled i to reinstate my application how do I do it

  124. Tshegofatso

    Can i get help cause my application srd cancelled so can i get help to reinstate my srd …but one thing disappoint me is that under cancelled they never shade reinstate by yellow colour… anyone who can help please…🙏🏽

  125. Nqobile monyeki

    Hello help to reinstate my application it was cancelled when I enter otp it’s says failed I’m stuck in inserting my otp please help

  126. Kamogelo happiness

    Why sassa can’t help us to reinstate our application. They are waiting for march next year so that we all lose what we deserve. Is so painful I never received any sassa income but still I can’t get help to reinstate

  127. Motsatsi Tryphosa

    How to reinstate my cancelled application

    1. Anonymous

      Reinstate doesnt work at all

  128. F koya

    I have applied my srd grant from september and until now it was showing pending. Suddenly it says now cancelled so my application from september and october it shows cancelled without any reason and november still shows pending.

  129. Zizipho Gcelu

    Hey I’m zizipho I cancelled my 350 srd thinking school will take but nope…I would like to get help to reinstate my canncelled grant please I need it 😥

  130. Tsundzukani ndlovu

    Help me to reinstete my application

  131. Siyabonga


  132. Thandi

    Hi I want to reinstate my application but the reinstating button it not active please help I’m not working I need this money.

  133. Shaakira

    Can someone tell me what I should do it is not giving me at all the option to rienstate my cancel application

  134. Shaakira

    Hi good day I need help I did by mistake cancel my application but it not giving me the option to rienstate it again what should I do please help me please

  135. Thembeka Shiela Mkhize

    Thembeka Shiela Mkhize can you plz reinstate my 350

  136. Alfa

    I need to reinstate my application help coz it does not show the yellow bottom

  137. Tshepiso malaela

    I would like reinstate my srd grant its cancelled

  138. Boitshoko

    I need help to reinstate my application

    1. Khongelani

      My application canceled 3 months

    2. Nonhlanhla

      Uif decline since Nov, reconsidered bt still nothing plz helpp


    My application was cancelled how can I reinstate it

  140. Mono

    My application canceled please help to reinstate…

  141. Zanele

    Three canceled application

  142. Emihle Cotiyana

    My name is Emihle , my payment was canceled.. How can I reinstate ?

  143. Phumze

    Can You help me by reapply, I cancelled my application of August then all months are cancelled

  144. Kamogelo happiness

    They won’t halp anyone even if u try to call they will jst say cancelled is cancelled

  145. Anelisa ntantiso

    Help me i want to reinstate my application

  146. Menyaka ke nna

    Sassa must tell me where source of income come from

  147. Nomfundo xulu

    My application was cancelled I need help for rensitens

  148. Nosbusiso Ngubo

    Can someone help me…. I canceled my grant by mistake and if I try to reinstate it but I can’t see where cause under cancel application it doesn’t show the yellow bar to show how to reinstate it… Can someone help me tuub

  149. Poyi Bandile

    My application decline due to alternative income source .

  150. Poyi Bandile

    I need help my application decline due to an alternative income source and don’t know why because I’m unemployed

    1. Koketso

      Can I help u

  151. Nomzamo

    Hy my name is Nomzamo I’d like to reinstate my canceled application for r350 I was declined for wrong reason says alternative source of income identified which is not true I am not receiving any income can you please fix it u really need this R350 please

  152. Genevive

    How can anyone help me to to reinstate my August application please help

  153. Koketso Norman malete

    My name is koketso Norman malete am unemployed pls help mii to reinstate my cancelled application pls

  154. Tumelo Nkwe

    I need help to reinstate my application please

  155. Tumelo Nkwe

    I need help to reinstate my application my id number is 990830XXXXXXXX

  156. Nomvuyiso Nomandindi

    My application canceled I want to reinstate it please help

    1. zinhle

      Hi my name is zinhle mvuna my 350 was dicline idont know why because iM not working i really need this 350 please help

  157. Yumnah

    I would like to reactivate or reinstate my application i cancelled it coz it kept declining due to alternative source of income im unemployed only get a sassa grant for my kids please help me to reactivate or reinstate my application

  158. Philile zethu khumalo

    Reastate my cancelled application for August and September

  159. Sne

    Hi people plz help me i want to reinstated my cancel application how can i do it


    My application was canceled please help to bring back my 350 October canceled I apply for bank I don’t know how to canceled plz help

  161. rashied april

    rashied april try to reinstate get any income

  162. rashied april

    try to reinstat but ofline d

    ont get any income

  163. William

    They will never help you to reinstate.Even if you call them .They will just tell you that it is your loss

  164. Banele

    Fix my cancelled application

  165. Naome

    Please help me I want to reinstate my application for 3 months

  166. Asiphe

    I am Asiphe i want to reinstate my application.

  167. REFILOE

    Reinstate pls anyone who can

  168. Tebogo

    Tebogo motshweni guys are fooling Us because I was paid in full last year 350 bt now I am being declined for what I don’t know because I am not working

    1. feziswa

      Sorry guy i also decline bcoz of uif but I’m working

    2. Stacey lee

      Plz help me my sex plz it got cancelled by accident

  169. Thandiwe

    I want to Reinstate my application what should I do.

    1. Buyisile khumalo

      My application cancelled by mistake please help me August, September, October, November, December and January February

  170. Lorraine

    Please help me to reinstate my application

    1. Nkosingiphile

      Help me my application cancelled may July plz

  171. Anonymous

    hey i want two reinstate my application as i go two reinstate my application below
    then i cant click on iet what do i do next


    1. REFILOE

      Can anyone show me how to reinstate my application pls help

    2. REFILOE

      Me2 pls help if u fine something

  172. Angel

    How can I do I’m still pending for September and October pending November please help me how to reinstate my application

    1. Zanele pretty ntshaba

      Can anyone would help to reinstate my application for srd grant I canceled it by mistake plz for the sake of my family plz I’m begging I have been trying but it keep on failing

  173. Jozan Magagula

    My name is Jozan Magagula
    I received only one R350
    2020 they declined mx application just because
    send me money cause i am
    unemployed even now i am
    i work no where
    please help me

  174. Zandisiwe

    My application decline because due to incorrect name or surname bt i dont knw how to complete

    1. Zandile Nozipho Buthelezi

      My application is cancelled plc help

    2. Ofentse

      they have cancelled my R350 because my aunt was sending me my money that she owes me every month and it was R300 and know I am trying to reinstate my R350 but it tells me failed for meny times plz help me cos know I don’t have any income

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