hificorp.co.za RCS Competitions : HiFi Corp

Organization : HiFi Corp JD Consumer Electronics and Appliances (Pty) Ltd
Competition Name : RCS Competition
Applicable For : South African Citizen
Competition Deadline : 24th December 2016
Prize : Hisense 55” UHD TV

Website : https://www.hificorp.co.za/terms/#promotions

What is RCS Competition?

** This competition is promoted by HiFi Corp, a Division of JD Consumer Electronics and Appliances (Pty) Ltd (Reg No. 1963/002315/07) (“the Promoter”).

Related / Similar Competition : Ackermans Rewards Festive Season USSD Competition

** This competition shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of section 36 read with Regulation 11 of the Consumer Protection Act No. 68 of 2008.

Competition Period :
** The competition runs from 10th November to 24th December 2016, both dates inclusive. No entries will be accepted after midnight on 24th of December 2016.

Who Can Enter in the RCS Competition?

** You are entitled to participate in this competition if you are a natural person who is at least 18 years old.

Exclusions :
** directors, members, employees, agents of, or consultants to the JD Group Limited and its subsidiaries including the Promoter, their promotional partners and printers, their advertising and promotional agencies, supplier of goods or services in connection with this competition, or if you are any of the aforementioned persons’ immediate family, including spouses, life partners, parents, children and siblings, are excluded from being entered into this competition

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How to Enter in the RCS Competition?

By purchasing on your HiFi/RCS store card
Number of Entries per Entrant : One entry per purchase
Entry Fee : There is no entry fee to participate in the competition.

Prize :
** 5 x Hisense 55” UHD TV’s. The prize is not negotiable or transferrable and may not be exchanged for cash and a Valid TV licence will be required

Winner draw :
** One lucky winner will be chosen each week and announced on the HiFi Corp/RCS website .hificorp.co.za.

** Should the competition draw be postponed to another date for any reason whatsoever, the new draw date will be published on the Facebook page (.facebook.com/hificorporation), within 4 (four) days after the original draw date.

** The random entry drawn will be independently audited by an independent accountant, registered auditor, attorney or advocate to establish whether it meets the competition qualifying criteria and if so that entrant will be the competition winner (the “winner”), subject to us being able to contact that winner.

** If the qualifying criteria are not met further random draws will take place until a randomly selected valid entry meets the eligibility criteria. The winner will be notified by Facebook message by the E-Commerce Operations Manager of the Promoter within 48 hours of the random draw taking place.

** The Promoter will attempt contact with the winner at least 3 times, but if the Promoter is unable to contact the winner within two days after the first attempt, through no fault of the Promoter, the prize will be awarded to the next eligible winner.

** The winner will be announced on the promoter’s Facebook page (.facebook.com/hificorporation).
** The winner may be asked to participate in marketing activities, including by having his/her photograph taken, but he/she will be entitled to decline to do so.

** By participating in this competition, you agree to all the Competition Rules set out above, without exception
** The prize is exclusively for the benefit of the winner and is neither transferable nor exchangeable for cash or otherwise.
** The prize must be taken up within 3 (three) weeks after the winner has been announced

Categories: Contest

View Comments (5)

  • Hi, I just got an sms by the name of Hi-fi corp which contains a link to claim my prize and I need to pay R34 for delivery. Is it legit?

  • Thabo calvin marake says:

    Hi did hifi Corp has competition? Because I have an sms saying I must pay R33 for shipping are this is true,

    • I received that sms too

  • I got a link saying that I have not claimed my reward just want to know if it's true or not a scam they say I have won a iPhone so I will only pay R32 is this correct

    • Thabo calvin marake says:

      Hi Im also got an sms saying I must pay R33 are this is reall

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